The Wolf And The Shepherd catch up on yet more listener submitted questions, asking about French Canadian midgets, shuffling though various marriage proposals, some Xbox live interactions, and dealing with hate against gingers yet again.
welcome to this episode of the wolf and
the shepherd today we're going to go
through some more questions we
kind of got bombarded after that first
ask us
anything session and then all of a
sudden when people realize we were
actually paying attention to all of
then we got bombarded with some more
additional questions
so we're gonna go ahead and go through
all of those additional questions
now well since part one of ask us
everything or anything what did we even
call it was it everything or anything
anything i'm pretty sure what's the
difference between anything and
i think there's a song about that
anything and everything
doubtful so anyway people have decided
to take advantage of our good nature
and they've emailed us more questions
to be honest with you i think some of
them are taking the piss
that don't seem to be serious and some
of them are very personal but
given we're mostly shameful it's not a
problem so i've put all of them down
all the all the emails we got i've
given you and given me and we're gonna
answer these questions
as raw as they were contained in the
yeah and i just realized my papers are
backwards here because you've got
my questions that are supposed to be
asked to you
and then your questions supposed to be
asked to me right yeah
okay well it doesn't matter actually
because we've actually had a collection
of marriage proposals
mainly for you because but you stole
no well they said i he's a high earner
and the wharf is probably out of my
league so that's why i don't call the
marriage company and that makes sense
and um outside of our wonderful indian
contributors most of these questions
sound like they come from people who buy
mystery boxes for 50 000 satoshi on the
dark web
but you know we're not one to judge no
anymore in a storm as they say
absolutely we're not going to judge
anybody so uh so now
on this uh who goes first who went first
last time do you remember
let's throw our uh really nerdy
dungeons and dragons 12-sided dice
what does 11 mean is that you or is that
me i think that's you
is it i think because you're odd and i'm
all right okay here we go then so this
is actually a genuine question
11 is an odd number right yeah okay okay
so this is a real question okay okay
shepard i like the way she started off
straight away
addressing you and not even bothering to
get my opinion on it so am i still edict
cause i'm a little bit offended i'll be
honest with you
so she goes shepard in 1997
shania twain released the song man i
feel like a woman
how would your wife react if you
inverted this statement
and declared woman i feel like a man
well if i was gonna say that to her
saying woman
i feel like a man she'd probably look at
me and say
well i hope so i hope you don't feel
like a woman i mean
woman i feel like a woman she'd probably
what's going on in my mind well i think
there's a little bit of uh
double standards going on here because i
don't think anybody
cared what schneider twain meant when
she said man i feel like a woman but
no i don't think anybody really your
wife's gonna care about if you say
woman i feel like a man well i don't
think she would
care i think she would assume that yeah
feel like a man why why would she be
so confused well because that's the way
you normally address your wife
woman make me toast woman where's the
so when you say woman i feel like a man
it's just like woman
you can get rid of and so you're
literally just saying
i feel like a man but maybe you're on to
something because you're right
i do say that all the time i say yeah
woman do this
woman do that but she never listens to
so could that be the problem then that i
that maybe i should stop addressing her
that way
no i think that's okay maybe maybe some
of those
gender neutral pronouns like they
hey they will you make me some toast i
just think it's a rough
conversational starter when you say i
feel like a man
once you've got somebody's attention
because if woman is the attention
grabber like flicking your fingers
snapping whatever right and you say i
feel like a man
so would it look like you're coming out
the closet so would it be bad
if i got down on my knees and kind of
ran across my knees on the carpet and
said woman i feel like a [ __ ]
well no it's not footloose no that
happened in footloose well not the
[ __ ] pit are you sure
i never saw that movie no but i thought
kevin was kevin bacon i thought he slid
on his knees in that movie
no i think that was dirty dancing and
i'm sad
i'm actually kind of embarrassed that i
know that michael
dot m like anybody is going to have mm
as initials yeah well that was this
question so
oh well all right so uh first one
up for you and of course you just pushed
these in front of me
so hang on let me read through this okay
samir in pakistan
wants to know why you get emotional
on the podcast about music and
quote sound like a little girl
well there's two answers that samir if
you're listening
one i doubt you're gonna get it until
about three months from now
but yeah i normally choose the songs
which make me emotional
so yeah i do sound a little bit like a
little girl whatever that means yeah i
do get emotional about the songs because
they mean something to me
so you know they get me in the heart the
lyrics kind of
touch my inner child not inappropriately
like we've talked about before
but yeah now i just choose songs which i
means something to me so i know that was
kind of a bit of a dig at me
but no i do actually choose songs
because they mean something to me
so just so we're clear you don't think
samir was
making fun of your goofy british accent
do you
i think he's making fun of a lot of
things that included
ah so there you go so i've got one from
and like you know that from me or for me
for you okay i think you said from
you i don't know but i've got funny
accents so nobody can guarantee it
but you remember that time you said your
mum doesn't know how to send text
yep well once again you're wrong because
this is the second one she sent
she said can you drop by cbs on the way
definitely not walgreens because they
suck and buy some easter candy for your
see i don't believe you because they
wouldn't want those big long receipts
from cvs
of course they would why oh do you not
what it was like in snowmageddon when
like i had to bring you all that
water for them well yeah do you not
think they want like now to build up
like receipts to build a fire
well that's a good point i mean they
could use all those receipts for a fire
plus now outside of you i'm your mum's
favorite person
even outside of your brother actually so
well that's probably true but
i wonder do they use different paper in
in colorado and they actually lost
a lot of business on like zigzag papers
then the people in colorado can just use
the excess
part of the cvs receipts to roll joints
okay amateur question
what is zigzag papers cigarette rolling
you never heard of zigzags no yeah
zigzag is a brand of
cigarette rolling papers that a lot of
people use to roll
joints to smoke marijuana too
in fact my son i took him to a skate
this was about a year ago and he picks
up a pack of zigzags off the ground
and he shows them to me he says dad what
are these little pieces of paper
and i said well son those are used for
rolling cigarettes
and he looked at me and he said well why
would anybody want to use this to roll
cigarettes when you can just
buy cigarettes at the store and i said
well some people like to
roll their own cigarettes you put
tobacco in here and you roll it up
he said oh it must be like the kids over
there in the corner smoking that funny
smelling stuff
so even though i was trying to hide the
fact that it's
mainly used for marijuana yeah there are
people that
legitimately use it for tobacco but your
mom sent this
through 20 minutes ago can you stop by
cbs or not
oh this is 20 minutes ago yeah all right
well once we're done recording this i'll
give her a call but not walk range
not remember not walgreens she doesn't
work well wait a second why can't you
stop by cbs then for her
why is she texting you to tell me this
oh hang on
oh my phone battery's dead okay that's
all right well you can text her back and
say you'll stop by cbs then i'm gonna
send a picture of myself as well
because she loves me well the good news
is i don't think she can get picture
so the next question is from denise
denise from new jersey she wants to know
if you will sing happy birthday
in a sound file and email it back
because her grandmother is about to turn
in may well you know happy birthday to
grandma i mean 86 that's a
big age i guess my biggest question
before you even
answer that question is new jersey so
there's got to be an old jersey is old
jersey from
england i've got a lot of old jerseys
well yeah
but in soccer they're still called
jerseys well no i gave them to the
women's shelter down in fort worth
because they were oversized
yeah because like in hockey they're
called sweaters right
so but anyway so denise from new jersey
i have been keeping the track on you
this is not the first email you sent us
oh okay and so i actually came up with
this thing i was gonna like you know
that blondie song
back in like i think it was the 80s
where tinnies
no no that is a song i promise you i
didn't dream it
okay this was the woman who actually
via email when we had that um interview
with jay davis
and we had it on zoom call and
mistakenly use the video
she said you had a head of the toadstool
head of a toadstool no
listen to that motorcycle go by so
i told you we should have spent more
money and got away from a major
thoroughfare road we could have spent
literally forty dollars more a month
than actually moved back
50 yards and not had this kind of sound
but you know what we missed the
helicopters overhead
we can't miss the trucks going past well
don't forget
we're right next to a hospital and care
lands there all the time yeah and we
film it a lot of the time
just in the hope like one of them falls
to the ground and crashes and we can get
the first thing on the uh
youtube stuff and maybe go viral yeah
because we haven't went viral yeah yeah
emma broke a leg in 19 places
should have gone on a simple care flight
but the helicopter went
into flames i don't know yeah that's uh
that would be sad
that would be sad well we could go viral
through it i'm not saying we're
desperate for martin but we could have
gone viral
through it all right well uh denise look
you just need to let it go did i even
answer a question what was the question
um something about singing happy
birthday oh yeah no i can do that mate
yeah yeah don't do that tonight actually
but you know what
we can actually do this now legally
because the copyright
is now expired on happy birthday
for years you couldn't use that in a
movie on a tv
show or whatever because of that
copyright thing now that's expired and
you can
actually sing happy birthday without
having to pay
the two people that wrote the song so we
can we can do this and we don't have to
worry about paying for it i was going to
get siri to sing it
well that might be a copyright problem
well not really
yeah but the woman that sits there and
answers all these questions
is going to want some money text to
siri happy birthday
to you period come on
happy birthday to you come on
happy birthday dear basic [ __ ] denise's
mother or grandmother because you didn't
type in the correct words happy birthday
to you
you've gotta admit that's gonna have to
fill a relative with joy
well sure and and happy birthday to
denise's grandmother i don't know
at this point you're the one that has
the problem she didn't say i look like a
no she told you you look like a
toadstool no
i thought she told you well i don't
matter at this point is that she's
offended one of us
right but we've already lost track of it
yep supposed to make it careful because
about to say that little cubanon saying
about the
where we one go all we go on facebook
and post stuff
yeah that one yep anyway yeah
next question oh hold up do you know do
not invade the studio
no well because we don't own it well
yeah but i don't think we have to worry
about that
moving on from the last one from your
mum she has replied
and i'm gonna have to apparently pick it
up so
an email from mumbai in india so is that
man's name or a woman's name well it
sounds like a man's name
but apparently it's a place oh um
that's the name of the town it's a city
or something
okay do they live in grass huts or
bamboo huts in
mumbai well not hard on this can also be
somebody's name so this is confusing
maybe we should have actually
figured that out before we started oh no
it's what put in the subject oh
okay so he listens to the mail order
brides episode
he has four daughters and
you can marry any of them how old are
doesn't say that he's got some pretty
old looking cows
the cows are not the daughters though
right no but they look really skinny and
stuff so
i'm assuming they're old some i want he
sent a picture of himself and he
literally looks like he's about 58 so
the best you're gonna get out of this
it's like they're going to be
like i don't know 36 67 whatever
okay so so let's say over the hill yeah
38 36 34 32
let's go with those ages for a man of
your prestige
these girls are over the hill yes
so um he said you can marry any of them
are you willing to get divorced and he
put like two question marks there
and marry one is done two question marks
or maybe two of them and then he's put
four question marks
let's go ahead and just assume for a
minute right that i do decide to
divorce my wife who i have four kids
with and
marry somebody that i've never met from
is that not her problem after you get
divorced well
yeah but that child support things gonna
catch up with me
and i mean when i have to pay her 6.75
cents a month that's just gonna suck but
if i were to marry two of them i'm in
the wrong state because we're sitting
here in the great state of texas and i'm
pretty sure i'd have to go to utah for
and utah is a little bit chilly for me
so i'm gonna have to decline on the
marriage part so the one then i'm
probably going to err on the side of the
younger one
but that's based off 32 and that's only
a little less than
10 years younger than me look can
do me a favor and just say i appreciate
offer but if she's not cheerleading in
college then
no yeah yeah although i am looking for a
that can mow my grass well maybe that's
how you get the other one in
oh okay marry one get there right
so um what is confusing about this right
i thought you would send
like a social media link but he sent a
photo of himself
and none of his wife or daughters so
maybe his wife passed away
and he's got to get rid of the daughters
because he's trying to take care of all
that and that's just way too much
i just don't know but if i was trying to
sell something which he clearly is i
wouldn't send a picture of myself but
that's it says i'm gonna say you've got
like two marriage proposals
and no time at all the life of the
shepherd i guess yeah
but going back to a question for you
this doesn't even start like a question
but i'm i'm going to read it verbatim
i am thermo monkey 23.
screw that guy oh so you know who this
guy is
okay well now let let me go ahead and
read this
i am thermo monkey 23 on xbox
i murdered you on modern warfare on
march 3rd many times you haven't
answered any of my comments about your
mother i threw at you during the game
why did you refuse my invite
private match well one my mother's been
dead for longer than he's probably been
and two he didn't really murder me he
killed me
two times more than i killed him and
they were both
by proximity mine so yeah he can stick
don't even no don't even reply to that
at all yeah no i won't don't worry about
no i i got that covered so no worries
so i've got possibly no hang on i'm
making a note here don't reply to him
okay yeah and i'm going to make a
separate note over here
don't accept xbox friend request from
him i'm going to marry his sister as
well whether he has one or not
well maybe we could put him in touch
with the guy from mumbai
no i don't want to do me all right fair
because remember the overflow from the
guy in mumbai
comes to me i got you right yeah okay
fair enough
sorry so this one which i didn't
i actually deleted it and then got it
out of the trash can
because i knew how mad you would be on
this first line
he says i'm french canadian oh
i don't know are you really going to
read me
something from a canadian yeah
so he says i'm french canadian and own a
who i have named pierre which is a
traditional french
name so he's really gone for both of it
he's from canada
he lives in canada owns the cat and he's
called it pierre which is a french name
so it's a french canadian name he's got
a cat
i don't know why you do these things to
me at this point if you said
my family have leprosy please donate to
my gofundme
i would order a drone strike on his
house sure
that's how sympathetic i would be with
but he said uh
we're basically the beast from the book
of revelation stew
because he's listened to some of the
other podcasts he said that being said
my wife and i are hoping to visit the
province of rhode island which
not really an achievement is that in
june would you consider looking after
which is the cat the cat french canadian
pierre which is hold up here we're down
it's born in july 2020
so he's basically nine months old okay
i'm gonna have to politely decline
to watching another cat because the last
time i had to watch a cat
was actually not that long ago and my
wife has a cat
my son had a cat then we brought a third
cat into the house for a week
the second cat got sick had to put it
down at the bet
that sucked then gave the third cat back
to the people we were watching the cat
now at least we're down to one cat i
don't need another cat coming in the
the only good cat you've ever had is the
one i lent you oh
yeah rest in peace konami yeah that was
a good cat
yeah she was a good girl so that's it so
that's a no
that's a hard note all right that's a
hard no okay that's good because we do
actually need to reply
because that's dated march 2nd so that's
been a while we should have replied to
that one earlier there
all right yeah no all right so
do you want to say no piss off your
french canadian or do you just want
i just don't know can you politely
can you just do no but capitalize both
the n
and the o and throw some exclamation
yeah exclamation marks as many as you
can fit oh i can fit a lot
a lot of time oh all right
that'll work no no no no
poor pierre but no no here's one for you
how often do you activate your third
eye that's bizarre well
you know i like spicy food so i normally
you know kind of open my third eye
like in the morning not long after i've
got up mid afternoon
and then later on at night so this is a
to you going to the bathroom oh no sorry
unless it's meaning that chakra stuff
sorry no
often do i open my third eye is this
from the shaman guy
no oh this is from jennifer oh
from best buy ah no i open my third eye
regularly with use of many crystals
which i have collected and keep in my
bed which i sleep with every night
and you know i kind of like getting all
normal kind of thing
for a while i open my third eye and then
dream my dreams so yeah every night
why she attached that coupon for best
i know she works yeah but it's she's
actually saying oh
no a first and last name from best buddy
yeah why did she attach that coupon
no it's from her best buy email account
so i think it just came through
what is she why is she worried about my
third eye i don't know
that's a bit of an awkward introduction
i know you thought you were kind of done
with the marriage proposals but we've
got a lady actually from
germany who's contacted you or looking
to get in contact with you
from dortmund in germany i have a pretty
good soccer team
amanda okay good german name amanda from
she's curious to know how fast she can
marry you which normally would worry me
but this is the dress to use i don't
really care because she likes to cook
sausage but that was actually that uh
entire email was originally in german
and so i used google translate
she wants to know how fast she can marry
you because she likes to cook sausage
you don't speak german though right well
no i was going to respond
the shepherd doesn't really have any
sausage to speak of see
your time yeah but um no she said how
fast can she marry you because she likes
to cook
sausage you know i'm kind of flattered
by all of the
marriage proposal stuff
yeah what was the other one the oh yeah
the the dude from mumbai
who's hasn't sent any photos of his
daughters you can marry
some of them and this one who likes to
cook sausage yeah but why is it always
overseas i mean i see just like
lots of plane fares and those are
let's add it to the options spreadsheet
which we have stopped for them
got you okay well you're in charge of
that wow
i'm keeping it religious like
religiously yes
yeah gotcha okay so
uh this is obviously
a actual legitimate message okay
jay biden okay from
wants to ask if the on the border
in texas are getting a surge in business
you know what i don't know because i've
been by some chilies both you and i have
been by chili's during the lockdown
period over the last year and you know
received the same basic service of
mediocre food
but i haven't actually tried to visit
and on the border so i mean i'd like to
joe biden for his uh you know
question but yeah i don't know i haven't
have you been to an on the border since
the lockdown
no do you remember the last time i was
it on the border i was with you
at on the border and that's when we were
disappointed in
episode eight because there's that on
the border right across the street from
the roanoke
uh movie theater and that's where we
decided oh my goodness
yeah we were gonna meet at that on the
border because it was basically
in the same parking lot and we watched
episode seven then rogue one then
episode eight
and then after episode eight we just
kind of gave up on meeting up to watch
star wars movies
enjoyed the chips and salsa though i
mean no they were good there's one thing
about on the border they do make a good
solid ship i mean there's those ones
which they're here
and you touch like nine bites and it
embarrassingly drops off while you're
trying to bite it
right between the chillies ones to be
honest yeah the chili's ones are a
little thin
well plus it seems like they try and
make their own a little bit greasy bite
into it it's a little bit snappy a
little bit greasy and the salsa is not
up scratch yeah i don't think so j
dot biden from bass dot men no we still
on the border we just haven't been there
recently so i think it's just business
as usual
but we are looking forward to visiting
it again so
well there we go all right so um next up
for me
yeah you've got a bloke from my home
ian from bloomingham in england well
please tell me this is not
another marriage proposal well
because we know how you english kind of
are so please tell me it's not all right
ian from birmingham wants to marry you
but but but that is not true
he said do you want a fight and if you
do can you buy a return ticket for him
because he lost his business
due to the coveted lockdown no i'm not
going to buy him
taking a picture of him he sent his
facebook thing i was going to send you
the link
he weighs like 82 pounds i don't know
what his business was before like
flower cellar or something well but i'm
pretty quick elbow
yeah but i'm pretty sure if we look at
american history
anytime the british have came over to
the americas to fight
they lose right so it would probably not
be good for him to even consider coming
give him some smack talk don't try son
don't even come up in his son come on
finish you blah blah blah is is that
what smack talk sounds like american
smack talk
i i thought it was like oh don't come
over here you bloody guy
blah blah blah yeah that's my brother we
have smack talk in england it's just
like go away wanker
where it's like in america it's like i
said all going back to that dude who's
trying to contact me through xbox
it's all like oh i got with your mother
i got with your sister and
you know you should put walmart and
stuff a trap
so it's probably a good thing that
eminem was
not born in england because he probably
wouldn't have had as successful a rap
if he had an english accent yeah it got
more beaten up than he already did
because some of his lyrics are just like
you know you can't rhyme
actually on the subject of eminem i
don't really want to go here but you've
brought it up he did that
airplanes vob airplanes and there's some
woman who sings a song
and he says they um says something about
like either his daughter or
him looking through a window and he goes
i guess that's why they call it
window pain it's like no
this is why you failed seventh grade
twice mate because
pain and pain two different words
and p-a-n-e window pane completely
now i get what he's trying to get at but
you gotta be honest
he comes across a bit stupid yeah so he
was going for the pun
there he's got well i don't i don't know
if he knows what pun is
but we failed seventh grade twice i
don't know
last question on our list here this one
goes to you by the way
okay is racism a big issue
in your house yes given you live with a
ginger dog
that's from oh my gosh listen to this
that's from
ginger hater 99
oh and they they even masked where they
actually are
so it's from ginger hater 99 from
mind yo business in
[ __ ] town wisconsin oh i know him
this isn't the the same guy that was
upset with you the
thermo monkey 23. i know this no i know
this guy
okay he sent me some pictures of vishlas
over on instagram no
um no it's not a problem i mean i just
uh i don't i eat
all gingers because obviously my dog's a
ginger and i love her but
no i don't think racism is a problem in
my household because
i love black people i love asian people
that said i'm not still convinced about
changes but
i take him on a case-by-case basis sure
yeah that's what you've got to do that's
all you can do
yeah yeah case basis i did have a
question for you which is not related to
i know you love midgets do you have a
thing against
giants because that's obviously the
ooh and what that giant was ginger
well from canada oh see don't complicate
it too much
let's go through these one at a time
giants so i like giants but i'm not as
fascinated with giants as i am as
fascinated with midgets so would you be
all right with a canadian [ __ ]
no all right is that such a thing
as far as i'm concerned god doesn't
punish people too bad
so you either are canadian or you're a
[ __ ]
so why would you punish him because you
could be a french community or a french
canadian a french canadian [ __ ]
that's a ginger i mean look the good
lord isn't going to do that to somebody
it's just not going to happen it's good
all of the time yeah
yeah i mean he posts challenges to
that's too much for anybody yeah that's
way too much for anyone
i remember when he tempted you a few
weeks ago
when you saw that [ __ ] in the grocery
store on the scooter
on the scooter the scooter and you had a
choice of like abandoning your
shopping embargo that you're supposed to
be doing and just following
this [ __ ] and you kept to the thing
you kept
doing your shopping you know [ __ ] get
away yep
you know i mean much to your chagrin if
that was a test
i mean you passed it i mean you kept
your groceries
i did you didn't bring a [ __ ] home in
the trunk of the car
brandon duct tape and zip ties you
brought the groceries home that's true
yep so
i think you should get some credit yeah
absolutely there'll be a special place
in heaven for me because i
i took care of that guy probably away
from the middle so
but if you think about it this way
wouldn't heaven for me
being me being like king of the midgets
well i thought
i thought it was just gonna be like you
just gonna be plays
in the land of oz so basically secretly
i want to be
the wizard of oz yeah the man behind the
that has happy you're perfect but wait
were there no the midgets were in
munchkin land they weren't in
oz yeah but he kind of oh no knows the
land of ours right
but is munchkin land in oz the same
yes it's the land of oz oh
i thought those were like different
states no no
are you sure about that no it's the same
thing as we can't believe dfw
is in the same state as austin right
well that's true yeah yeah we've figured
that out yeah same thing
all right well good deal well at least
we cleaned up
more of these questions i mean keep them
we we always like answering your
questions and
thanks for tuning in to this episode of
the wolf and the shepherd and we will
catch you on the next one