Sam Lindy from Kitcaster joins us as we discuss a man losing his penis to a cobra bite, floating on Lake Texoma on air mattresses, and SpongeBob Square Pants inciting murder. Thanks for listening to the show. There are a few ...
Kordel France joins the Wolf and the Shepherd for discussion of more bizarre news stories. Thanks for listening to the show. There are a few ways that you can support our content. For free, please subscribe to our show and le...
Before the Wolf can get into the stories, the Shepherd brings up classic movies which you have never sat down and watched all the way through. Starting off, the original story dealt with 100 monkeys escaping from a truck cras...
More crazy news stories, more commentary, and the Shepherd still can't end the podcast right. The Wolf gives a shout out to a listener he met but can’t remember her name. The first article could have been clickbait, but we re...
As the next batch of interviews are about to roll out, The Wolf And The Shepherd dig back into the vault for more insane news stories. Thanks for listening to the show. There are a few ways that you can support our content. F...
Catching up on some more bizarre news stories as we plan for more interviews, the Wolf tells us about a bank robbery gone wrong, a wrestler in Texas who stabbed a ref, an arsonist turned fire chief, Oregon's new school requir...
Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code WOLF for 83% off and 3 extra months free! Time for some more crazy news stories!
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down once again with Pat Beaman from On An Island to discuss crazy news stories. Subway hits the news as the go to sandwich, and why six inches can be a treat, and how Jared misses Subway Robot v...
The Wolf And The Shepherd are joined by the host of On An Island With Pat Beaman to discuss more bizarre news stories, including the remake of the famous song by The Weather Girls, It's Raining Men, problems with the Paw Patr...
The Wolf And The Shepherd, joined by Pat Beaman from On An Island Podcast, discuss more bizarre news stories from around the world.
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down once again with Pat Beaman from On An Island with Pat Beaman to discuss more bizarre news stories.
The Wolf And The Shepherd reach their 100th episode and take a look back over their previous episodes. Episode Zero - The Pilot Things We Never Saw Coming What Do We Believe? The Smiths and where did music go? Gyms Why we jus...
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with the host of On An Island With Pat Beaman to discuss more bizarre news stories, such as the sudden appearance of sea snot in Turkey, a man who claimed to be eaten by a whale and survive,...
The Wolf And The Shepherd are joined once again by Pat Beaman from On An Island with Pat Beaman to discuss news stories covering a woman who married herself, uses of cow urine, and a horse funeral in India.
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Pat Beaman from On An Island with Pat Beaman to discuss more news stories, from a woman being attacked by a robot, an unemployed waiter who ate his mother, a guy and his girlfriend who ...