The Wolf AND The Shepherd have an impromptu discussion on a variety of subjects and whether or not you can confirm or deny their existence, from Bigfoot to aliens and all bizarre things in between.
welcome to this episode of the wolf and
the shepherd
today we're gonna talk about what if
there were things
that were out there that
mainstream tells you you shouldn't
believe in
but they actually came true so we're
going to talk about a lot of
different items from aliens to
bigfoot to the loch ness monster
to everything else but where would you
feel that that would hit you if those
things that you always question in the
back your mind
and maybe that might be real maybe that
isn't real how would that make you feel
i think
for the most part people wouldn't have
discomfort knowing that bigfoot was real
i think a lot of people would be
uh the conspiracy theorists would be
hey yeah you know uh
missing link or whatever they want to
call it can exist
you know in the forests or woodlands of
north america
undetected or unverified for so many
decades and suddenly we prove it's real
it doesn't change anybody's life right
but it also opens up these other avenues
of okay let's go and talk about the loch
ness monster
you know this uh incredibly deep body of
where it's entirely possible that
some type of snake
amphibian whatever you want to call it
has lived in there with descendants
maybe a whole family of them
and just pop up every now and then to
breathe or take a look around
but it doesn't change anybody's life i
mean nothing nobody's life is
damaged by the knowledge that these
things exist
i think you're right on the fact that it
doesn't damage anybody's life if they
find out they do
exist but it does shift the way that we
think about these topics
so as long as you say there's a
that and let's stick with bigfoot for a
little bit
right so there's a possibility that
bigfoot is out there
if you never have any definitive
proof that bigfoot is out there then
you're always going to have
this aspect of people that say well we
think bigfoot exists and you're
never going to be able to prove that he
not exist but
when you actually prove that
bigfoot exists there's a huge shift
that is immediately going to happen
all the people that said bigfoot doesn't
once you have that definitive proof that
he does
then it's going to discredit all of
those people that have
over time said bigfoot doesn't exist and
that's something i've always wondered
why some people
are so passionate about proving he does
but also why some people are so
passionate about
proving he doesn't exist right but
so how do you prove he doesn't exist
i don't think there is any way that you
could prove
something doesn't exist so
how do the in in once again
sticking with bigfoot right how do you
actually prove he does not exist i don't
even think with the technology that we
right now in today's society today's
technological age you can prove
beyond the shadow of a doubt that
does not exist and i'm not talking about
something like we had talked about
earlier about flat earth
you can have the flat earth people
saying hey
the earth is flat you can have other
people say no
the earth is round you can have the
round earth people say
no we can prove the earth is not flat
but you can never prove that something
doesn't exist in the existence
of an item of a
species of anything is tough to
not prove that that how do you
prove that something does not
exist well firstly if the earth is flat
i want a refund on that around the world
i've booked um i was supposed to go with
you on that trip yeah
yeah you made me put up 95 of the money
for that well it's collateral
oh okay um and
you know i can kind of see the avenue
people who are against bigfoot go
that you know they believe in this
absolute uh dated version
of evolution where it comes from they
you know homo sapiens came from
apes and they started walking upright
and blah blah blah and so it becomes the
missing link and
bigfoot is somehow this missing link
which has become
frozen in time and never evolved and i
think that's why a lot of
people who decide that bigfoot doesn't
out of rationale or science
can't accept that there might be
something frozen in time but what if
it's just a different deviation of a
because an upright walking ape is not
the most shocking thing
because the giraffe to me is far more
to me if if i look at a giraffe i think
is if you if you believe in
judeo-christian ideals
the giraffe is proof that god has a
sense of humor right
it's like okay let me make something
that looks like a horse is spotted like
a leopard
has this long neck that nothing else has
and it's gonna eat leaves can't hunt
looks just goofy and by the way
years later we're gonna make him the
mascot for toys r us right because
what better mascot for toys r us than a
goofy animal that's a giraffe well i
actually saw a uh
several step meme a few weeks ago
and it had a tree and a few giraffes
around it and a couple of the giraffes
had short necks and couldn't reach the
fruit on the tree and there was one long
neck giraffe
and then the next uh picture in it
was the tree got taller and the
giraffe's neck got taller
and the final one it went on for about
five different pictures
and he had a picture of the earth and
again this we're not saying anything
flat earth theorists but um it had the
and this tree was sticking out of the
and the giraffe's neck was also coming
out the earth and the tree was
will you just not go away yeah
absolutely you know it it's that that
goofy thought of you know it
there are so many weird things that i
learning about mammals and then you look
at the duck pill platypus right
and once again i'd talk about god's
sense of humor i'd like one as a pet
i'll be honest with you yeah
oh is that not the coolest and i mean
you know
i used to have a duck as a pet and i
that was the greatest that was the
greatest pet
right but you know what on top of that a
duck bill platypus
would have been a better pet if you
could toilet train it it'd be fantastic
oh absolutely well yeah hell yeah you
can barely toilet train dogs and cats
now i have a little dog
that walks around my house right now and
even though he knows to go to the back
door and smack against the back door to
say hey let me out
there's nothing that stops him to say
you know what
you didn't feed me on time today so i go
and pee on the carpet in the front room
and just say oh now who's in charge oh
not going back to social media too much
i saw a meme the other day and it had a
with a uh facebook page and it was a
if you give me one like i will literally
poop on the floor for no reason
oh and it had one like and it's like say
no more
yeah so i don't think
if we had definitive proof that
bigfoot existed
our society would change too much i
don't think
if we had definitive proof that the loch
monster existed our society would change
we we hear things from uh
biologists and things where they say oh
we thought
this certain species was extinct and now
we found this or
we found these old species and blah blah
but there's also no
real reason for governments to hide the
fact that a bigfoot exists or
yeti or you know depending on where
you're at
okay you're saying that or why do you
think why do you think we have these
different names because i can understand
because there's some redneck countries
like who has got a bigger foot than i
have and it's so it's called bigfoot
sasquatch you're thinking it's an
american indian name maybe i don't know
we're ignorant about it
the yeti and that comes from the
himalayas and i don't know again
well yeah but that but that would be a
vulnerable snowman why that one because
i again i saw a meme
and the uh uh baltimore snowman is like
a bona more seems a little bit harsh huh
it so in today's day and age if the
abominable snowman
existed they would have to change his
name because that would be
probably an answerable name but
it's also the same thing if you look
back when
return of the jedi was being filmed
they had to put a safety vest on
peter mayhew as he was playing chewbacca
because they were afraid that people
traveling around in the redwood forest
of california
would think he was bigfoot and try to
shoot him and he no
kidding had two bodyguards standing with
him had the yellow vest on and if you
don't believe me
please everybody look this up this is
legitimately true
that there are people that want to be
that person
that discovers this thing that we don't
whether or not it exists well the good
thing is that was california and they
have strict gun
control laws so it's all right if they'd
have been filming it in texas out
towards tyler the woods out there he'd
have lasted two minutes
oh yeah peter maintenant would have
never gotten that yeah he would have
never made it to the end of the trilogy
yeah but we're also
talking about what we want to call
earthly things
right so now let's talk about some of
other things that are part of
popular culture part of the even
unpopular culture
that we're not quite sure whether or not
they exist
popeye's spicy chicken burger
you know i know you're you're a popeyes
and and i get that i keep trying to
track it down
that this is one of those things that
you and i are always going to disagree
about but i'm i'm leaning more along the
of something like aliens
so if you think about the aliens aspect
of whether or not those exist
and i'm i'm gonna go ahead and spell out
my opinion on this
and then i'm gonna let you tell me
whether or not you agree with me
the the thought of aliens
to me makes perfect sense it makes sense
that in this vast
universe that we're in with the
i want to say millions but that's kind
of ridiculous i
it's probably billions or trillions of
and then you have systems that are
around these stars
that there are
aliens out there right and you
can also look at the fact that you could
aliens trying to visit us
and all this good stuff and we've talked
about before
how you have horrible camera
pictures horrible camera video of these
aliens that are are coming here
if we cannot figure
out a way in our technological society
right now to send humans
to mars and i know ol elon
is working on that and you know what
elon godspeed i
i hope you get there we're living in an
interesting time to where
i hope that that we see that
i i can imagine my parents
when they saw the moon landing that must
be huge in
the current generation yeah
but the current generation that we're in
right now we we haven't had
something like that so i hope it happens
if if we have quote unquote aliens
transversing the universe
wouldn't they be able to figure out a
way if they have the technology to
go light years away quick enough to
show up here and look around
they would be sight unseen we wouldn't
even see them
truly story for another time right
but let's let's just assume that they
didn't have
such great technology they figured out a
way to hibernate
whatever it is they show up
and all of a sudden here they come down
and they
land and they're here
what would that do to our society well
firstly i think that i don't think
aliens with advanced technology
would be that impressed with us i think
it's like when you go to the zoo totally
i think it's like when you go to the zoo
and you walk through various things and
you see the ants and you see a lizard
and you look at it for maybe four or
five seconds and you move on it's like
that's just not that interesting you
know if your civilization is so advanced
that you can find a way to you know
travel what we think
you know maybe as linear you know light
years point to point
i i don't think they would find our
that exciting i mean again you go back
to ants we see they have a structure
we kind of think yeah they might have a
hive mindset
but you know we have very limited
uh are really just staring at them for
too long and i don't think an
alien civilization which was really that
advanced would find us
that interesting um and one thing i will
say about aliens
uh i i think it
i think it challenges two different
one the creationists theory
where you've got christians who believe
you know we're the only life form in the
but there is nothing in the old
testament which says
we're the only people in the universe
you know it says god flung the stars
into space
but the bible even if you take it like
that the bible
was written for us right not for the
aliens it's just written for us
what if god wrote a book for every alien
civilization out of there
and when you take the science people and
you do the numbers and you do the math
it's like how can there not be life out
so i find it a struggle that people
can't accept whether you're a christian
or anybody else somewhere out there
there must be life there must be life
but like i said
if it's advanced enough to travel to us
it's probably got no interest in us
absolutely and so
one of the things that i look at with
the got no interest in us where i'm
disagree with you is the same reason why
i bought my kid an ant farm because you
and i
are not interested in ants but
my kid wanted an ant farm so
i ordered him an ant farm and it
came in and there was a little
deal that had frozen ants and we had to
warm them up
and then you poured all this
goo inside the ant farm and then he sat
there and he watched the ants
and he was absolutely fascinated with it
now granted he's
you know six or seven years old at the
but there's also a reason why most
adults don't care about
what color you color a picture about
or you know talking about the wheels on
the bus go round and round
nobody cares about that but what if it
some kind of alien civilization that
says hey
we're so advanced right now you need to
what a civilization
is so far behind us like we
look at the cavemen it's not fascinating
to us
to see fire
but if you back up several thousand
that's fascinating to a caveman you know
if they've never seen
fire and then a caveman comes up and
lights this fire
that's fascinating are we just
a research project is it something where
you've got a bunch of aliens sitting
around in the kindergarten class
saying hey you need to go find
a backwards old civilization
to go look at and see what they've done
well it's very very interesting you say
that because i
got an ant farm online it came through
the mail uh
and it had green goo in it like a mini
aquarium type thing
right and a couple of days later i got
the ants
sent by usps i mean why not so
so when you got your ant farm wow
separately really no i think i got i
think i got the ant
farm via ups because i paid the extra
two dollars shipping
but the ants just came in regular usps
and it just came through the mail in a
padded envelope you know like
a petri dish type thing okay so i got
and after a couple of days of viewing
which got boring because they were just
like eating their food and they were
making their way through the goo to do
all these
channels and not to interrupt you but
that the green goo
was also kind of like it's a food source
yeah yeah
yeah okay yeah so um i thought huh
so i caught a spider right
okay and i put one of the uh
well i put the spider in a petri dish
which was like at the end of the
channels on the
ant farm and one ant
came through into the petri dish saw the
santana wiggled ran off and then came
back with about
30 other spiders and they attacked 30
years of spider
yeah yeah and sorry yeah pulled off all
its legs and ate it
and you know um
it was interesting uh but yeah what if
alien civilizations just see us as that
that they do these experiments of just
like let's
something let's make something weird
happen let's put a pandemic in there
let's do this let's start some wildfires
let's start a war let's do something
just to be interested to see how it
looks because they look at us
just purely like hands yeah absolutely
and and you could
actually bring that back to plants
right i i remember when i was younger
i made a terrarium so i took a
big jar and i put dirt in it
and i put some rocks in the bottom and i
put some dirt and i
planted everything and then you put some
water in there and then you seal
everything up
and you put it up on the shelf and you
watch it go right right and so
my terrarium actually did really well
but at any point i could have said you
know what
i'm gonna open this up and i'm just
burn everything down yeah i i'm i'm
going to
put a spider in there or throw a
centipede in there and it's going to be
god yeah or you know
yeah whatever you want to put in there i
want to put a caterpillar in there
right and then now i'm going to have
butterflies and then
i'm not going to let the butterflies
come out of the coconut so
you're playing god yeah
so that that
part has always kind of baffled me but
it also goes back to the
can you prove that those things
don't exist and i don't
really think we're ever going to get to
the point to where you can say
certain things don't exist well i i
you know outside of the ufo
stuff and the aliens that there's
much that could be proved which would
cause people to lose too much sleep i
think with the aliens
you know there are people who believe
you know god ordained life on earth and
earth only
and they would have problems from a
theological point of view
for life existing on other planets what
does this mean to us to me
you know i mean i'm a christian but i
can easily believe that
you know god had a bible on other
planets and god
you know had earth going on other
planets why are we so arrogant that we
we're the only ones i don't see any
point in the old testament that
earth is the only place of life
but you know when you go into the
cryptozoology thing
of you know bigfoot the loch ness
it's not going to ruin anybody's day
if they've proven that hey the loch ness
monster exists
i mean nobody's going to be quitting
their job you know throwing themselves
out of the 18th floor of a
you know building on wall street nobody
really cares if these animals exist
and i don't understand the passionate
uh objectivity
you know which sometimes comes up you
know for people trying to disprove
bigfoot or disprove the loch ness
monster or some of these animals
you know i don't get i mean if you win
what does it prove i mean what what are
you gonna do you get a high five from
if you prove this animal doesn't exist i
mean so what
i'd be more happy how can you not be
more happy if this amazing animal does
surely that would make you happier right
but i don't think
you will ever be able to prove that they
do not
exist and that's my argument
because you can put all kinds of
in front of everybody saying this
doesn't exist this doesn't exist
but then all of a sudden it does i
i remember when i was in school i was
there were three states of matter solid
liquid gas that was it i said
so there's only three states yep there's
only three states solid liquid gas then
all of a sudden
plasma came along like well
but i was taught there's only three
well now there's four so all of a sudden
even though there was concrete evidence
that solid
liquid and gas was the only three states
of matter right
now there's a new state of matter so i
don't think you can
ever prove that something
does not exist now where the idea
of something that might exist comes from
that's a slippery slope because you and
i could sit here and say
there are random
little characters that dance on our
right now and one of them wears a white
one of them wears a black coat and they
dance on our heads all day long
how do you prove that doesn't exist you
but your logical
part of your mind says well that seems
right but all of a sudden if you
prove that exists
now everything goes a little bit crazy
because the guy that said this doesn't
now proved it existed i had teachers
solid liquid gas those are the three
states of matter
nothing exists out of there then
somebody said
oh here's a four state and i don't want
to get in too deep but i think there is
now a
fifth state of matter so
once somebody says something is out
there's no way to prove that it does not
right and you look at um your son's not
here to look up and fat checkers but
there's a certain amount of dna in our
from the bacteria in our stomach which
would be classified as alien
because it has no right to be in our
body we didn't inherit it
and it suddenly appears from nowhere
right and it's one of those things where
they don't almost try and even begin to
understand it
and i looked i looked once i think on an
article on it
and it was just very hard to understand
because the basis of science behind it
there was just so little research and
there's like oh yeah you've got a whole
bunch of alien dna
in your stomach and yeah there's
bacteria in your stomach
you didn't inherit it can't see where it
came from
but it's just in your stomach and it's
in everybody
but we look at you know physics and
and we look how
our rules from einstein etc how
these rules apply to our world
but then you look at time and space
you know relative dimensions once we get
outside of the earth
those rules no longer apply when you
start talking about dark matter
a black black holes wormholes
you get into all this theoretical
physics it's like
we have a set number of rules which
we can see okay this works under
the situations we know about but as soon
as we get outside of our small planet
which is not even a trillionth of a
of the measurable universe all these
rules like physics apply completely
and we used to say like you know light
you know had a consistent speed but you
pass it through certain gases you can
slow light down
you can speed it up you know and it's
like the rules of physics yeah they're
challengeable but absolutely
and some of that in and i think rules is
strong word
i really do because you talk about the
laws of physics so the rules of physics
things like that but we consistently
disprove that all the time right
and i i remembering i'm i'm going to
bastardize this a little bit but one of
my favorite scenes
in the movie men in black with
will smith and tommy lee jones
he's sitting on the park bench with
will smith he being tommy lee jones and
he says something along the lines of
you know 400 years ago everybody thought
the world was flat and
40 years ago everybody thought this and
four minutes ago you thought you were
alone on this planet
we've done that right ever
since we have existed yeah
and it's so easy to just tell somebody
this is what it is you've got to believe
i'm a position of authority yeah here's
what you need to believe
i have this backed up with
facts or with research or with
something that is written and we blindly
believe it right
and so when you say
okay this doesn't exist this
is impossible
everything seems to not exist everything
seems to be impossible until it's proved
that it exists right or that it's proved
yeah that it's possible i mean we are
still operating by
a lot of physical laws and theories from
hundreds and hundreds of years ago which
you know some of them have proved uh to
be exact
but you know we have to go back again
your son's not here to look up the facts
i think it was in the 1900s where they
said if you traveled on a train
faster than like 40 miles per hour
whatever it was
that you would asphyxiate that you could
not breathe now obviously we know that's
bs but you think at that point
how many hundreds of years of theory we
and it's really not that long ago where
the scientists said yeah if we go faster
than 40 miles per hour what it was it
might have even been like 28 miles per
i can't remember but we would asphyxiate
you would asphyxiate if you went faster
than that speed
yeah and elon musk has proved
that somebody said there's no way you
land a first stage rocket
yet you have to just go ahead and expand
that rocket
you just got to let it land in the ocean
or burn up in the atmosphere
and now all of a sudden he's proved
that's possible
right and we're going to constantly see
as we evolve as a species as we evolve
through our technology
and everything else that we have going
so you cannot say
nothing exists yeah however
you can't constantly make crap up right
and then try to say okay
my dog talks my dog talks to me
i'm lying to you my dog doesn't but
now you have to prove to me that my dog
doesn't talk to me
so where do we arrive at
where there's pseudoscience and there's
real science
and people are just making stuff up
just to say well prove me wrong but
taking that analogy you just said
if actually software or an application
came out today for your phone
that literally translated
dog to english speech
i mean what what would it change because
you know i know dogs aren't chemotropic
like insects but they have
they want to eat they want to sleep they
want to mate they want to be petted
but in reality if we could actually talk
to dogs
english to english after the novelty
off what would it literally change
well it wouldn't change anything my
example would be
my dog talks to you in english
i say well i go home i talk to my dog
my dog talks back to me yeah you say
no he doesn't right he doesn't do that
say prove me wrong how do you prove me
you can't right and that's kind of my
so when you get into the cryptozoology
does bigfoot exist does the loch ness
monster exist
we don't have any real good definitive
that they do exist but we also can
never prove that they don't exist but
you and i
i mean we can both agree
that would actually probably be a little
excited if bigfoot and the loch ness
monster existed
because it'd be like absolutely yes
awesome because it doesn't
hurt our feelings it doesn't hurt our
knowledge of science we'd actually be oh
it's something else exciting
you know and i would love you know a few
people to find you know
dinosaurs which looks like i mean you
know obviously jurassic park's not a
thing but
you know they went and found somewhere
where there were their animals they
thought were extinct for
millions of years and they find them
just like a love when they
find these new species in the ocean and
all their stuff it's fantastic
yeah it doesn't hurt my feelings and by
the way
and that happens probably on a daily
basis right
that that we found new species in the
ocean new species in the amazon forest
all that so uh as we
talk about things that
you know may or may not exist i want to
everybody with this thought
of course uh the wolf and the shepherd
broadcast here from texas
north texas so right outside of the
dfw metroplex there's a little town
aurora texas and in that town
there's a cemetery and years ago
and when i say years ago we're talking
about better than a hundred years ago
there's a story about a alien spacecraft
crash landing in aurora texas
and the citizens of aurora texas
burying the alien
that was in the spacecraft and if you go
to that town right now today
outside of that cemetery there is a
texas historical marker
that talks about in this cemetery
there there's an alien buried there
and so does that mean they exist
does that mean they don't exist you can
go to i don't know what part of scotland
the the the uh nest lock is or whatever
because isn't it well it well it's the
loch ness monster but it isn't lock
one of those terms for a body kind of
like yeah
yeah yeah or in scotland or something
or you you've got the bigfoots
in the pacific northwest and you have
sasquatch you have the yetis you have
the abominable snowman you got
at some point they've got to be mate in
those so there's going to be more than
one big fit
yeah unless he's like you know like
coming from the old testament he's like
800 years old
yeah exactly but uh
sorry i i just want to say that um
you're always gonna have people who are
looking and very passionate about
aliens you can have some people who
think et was a documentary
uh oh it wasn't well i don't know i'm
not saying that definitively
um but you're also gonna have people who
it really damages their belief system
and fundamentally challenges everything
they believe in
if these things would prove they were
real and
obviously you and i come from a point
we're kind of excited of any of this
stuff is proven to be real
because it just adds to the excitement
of life it doesn't challenge our belief
but you know at some point
if an alien disclosure came out and
there's been more and more stuff
released and i know we're going to do
a podcast soon with actually some very
experts on the subject how it changes
people's day-to-day life if a revelation
came out
that 100
there is extraterrestrial life it has
visited us
it is intelligent what does it mean for
us i think that's going to be
an interesting point in
the history of humankind
it it really will be a
table turning event
when we can say definitively that this
has happened
i hope i'm alive to see that
there there are several things i hope
i'm alive to see
there's several questions i want
answered i think there's a lot of people
listening right now that probably want
similar questions answered
i hope we live to see that i hope the
go away and we can actually look
at some of those
important questions of
what's really going on yeah so
thanks for tuning in to this episode of
the wolf and the shepherd
and we will
come to you very soon with another one