Happy New Year! The Wolf AND The Shepherd take a stroll down dementia lane as they review what happened in 2020.
welcome to this episode of the wolf and
the shepherd and
welcome to 2021 we are officially
out of the mess of 2020 and here's
hoping that
2021 is going to be better than 2020
let's be honest 2020 didn't really set
the bar
all that high so we should
be able to have a better year in 2021
than we did in 2020
but you know we decided that
we're doomed if we don't review history
riding you know we
got to look at history and history might
repeat itself so
we decided we'd take a look back at uh
what all happened in 2020 and not not a
rehash of
covet and murder hornets and all of that
good stuff
but just kind of where the podcast
brought us
from that little bit of 2020 when we
and kind of worked through uh some of
the topics and everything that we
yeah actually the blown out proportion
murder hornets was one of my big
letdowns of 2020.
i was hoping to see a few more of those
around killing birds in mid-flight
well but not only that they had such a
great name i mean
murder yeah you know it wasn't some you
know it
killer bee remember that that killer bee
scare that we had
a long time ago yeah murder hornet
just sounds so much more dangerous than
killer bee
yeah not since the stab you in the face
monkeys such an animal came with so much
anticipation and being such a let down
maybe the mantis shrimp yeah
now um obviously 2020 was a bad horse
but uh we don't want to dwell on all the
negative stuff in 2020
no we don't have that kind of time so
we're just gonna focus on the positive
i got a new phone and we started
so that's yeah that's pretty much it
and the podcast somehow ninja sneaked
its way into the top 1
and listened to podcast shows out of 1.8
million plus
podcasts in that was a
big surprise for us uh we didn't quite
how that happened we still don't but you
know we
we decided we're just gonna keep doing
things the way we've been doing things
here we go apparently we've got a big
death following
oh well that makes sense oh yeah maybe
that explains it yeah
now it all makes sense yeah they can
slightly make some white
noise which is kind of like tinnitus or
yeah there we go
that that would explain yeah quite a bit
so looking back
we're not really going to look back at
anything other than
what we did in the podcast because i
think that's probably
the only important stuff which happened
last year yep i don't think anything
like major happened in 2020 other than
well not the things that we talked about
no we didn't cover anyway
and actually exactly if you were a time
and you kind of ended up january 1st
here actually listening to our podcasts
would absolutely
give you a complete rundown of the year
that's true with no need to experience
any of it
yeah as we normally do and
we we give you all the information that
you need no further research necessary
yeah here we go right well um
we started off the podcast with a
absolutely terrible pilot
well we had no idea what we were going
to talk about but you figured
you'd hit the record button and um test
out the equipment
you know the headphones and the
microphones which after three weeks we
the wrong way around but yeah thankfully
they have a good enough microphone
straightened up to make that much
i don't think well it did make a
difference when we figured out we had
them backwards but
uh nothing but the highest level of
professionalism here at this podcast
you'd have thought those stickers
in front and back on
i was looking at your microphone and
obviously the word front was facing
me and vice versa but yours
but yours was facing me too so i thought
we had it right yeah
anyway so the first few episodes after
the pilot
we basically talked about nonsense we
gave it
well we gave them some titles and hope
to kind of stick to topic
which didn't work very well um well if
we can look back on those first few
episodes at least we learned
no matter what topic we pick we're never
going to stick with it right
at least we have a general idea of what
we're going to talk about
yeah we did so little actual research
and i think google even got a single
name checking about those
first two probably not podcasts
um but once we kind of settled down a
little bit
we started actually having a plan of
what we were going to talk about
in terms of at least the title although
nine times out of ten i to explain to
you from the title
what exactly we were going to be talking
about right yeah well
in most of the time you just slid the
piece of paper in front of me and said
here's the title of the podcast this is
what we're going to do right now
so yeah it's uh kind of like today
right let's be obvious we got um
a few musical podcasts off our chest
over the three months which
you know is one of our great loves yeah
we attempted to sing quite often which
apparently according to some of the
emails we got from our listeners were
very popular with their cats in heat
well at least we made something happy
with the singing
because it doesn't make me happy well
plus i think we've basically ruined any
future opportunities a role in stone to
be invited
you know to discuss anything to do with
yes that's another another uh big name
we can cross off the list not to expect
an email or a phone call from unless
it's a definition
or something yeah that list by the way
it keeps getting longer and longer
it does still there's plenty more
multi-million dollar companies
true um before long we did actually
manage to crack on a few things from a
great height which
isn't saying much giving our studios
kind of like ground floor yeah
uh yeah gyms we kind of had a bit of
yellow tunes mainly because um people
going to the gyms for the wrong reason
gyms and people who go there to
seriously work out just the
people who go there they just kind of
pose and take selfies
yeah yeah not our bag yeah karen's that
are looking
oh yeah they deserve it yeah we bash
them pretty well
and amazingly we didn't actually get any
uh hate mail from
karen's so i'm pretty sure they looked
at the title and
just protested in silence of not
what's very uncaring yeah
yeah that's true well plus they knew
maybe they went to the spam filter well
maybe we have um i think i did set
something in the spam filter that
any email address that had the name
karen in it would just
immediately go to spam so uh
maybe i need to go look in the spam
filter after we do this but i'm sure i'm
going to forget about that by the time
we're done
it's a bit sad because i was looking
forward to reading out some complaints
and accounts well maybe we'll just have
to do an episode on the complaints that
we've received
but i'm sure they're all in the spam
folder yeah probably which means i'm
going to have to go in and look in the
well you know that's not going to happen
so um
we didn't have too many positive things
to say about evolution because we
considered that overall to be a letdown
yep uh mainly because we don't like
but we do like the mantis room we do
like the mountains
that was our big discovery yes if
if 2020 had a positive theme for me it
was the discovery of the mantis shrimp
which can heat up water higher than the
temperature of the sun
allegedly i love that i'm pretty sure we
still have double factor have we
well even single check well but i don't
i don't want to i don't want to be let
it should join the avengers yeah not
this point please
please don't factor yeah i i want to go
on a living
believing that that mantis shrimp is the
greatest animal
to ever swim the earth
and uh you we discovered you don't like
cats and i don't like chimpanzees
yeah cats are bad enough that
you know they just well i mean the fact
that you have cats as well
yeah i know that that's kind of yeah
kind of misleading but you know i
tolerate them
i'm i'm definitely not happy that
they're that they're here
yeah and i'm definitely no advocate for
animal cruelty but
marriage the urge not to punch
chimpanzee in the face would be
one of my big struggles no and i don't i
don't believe we ever advocated
cruelty towards candidates but i would
much happier if i didn't have any around
some bad language
i'd rather have the dodo bird back even
though i know nothing about the dodo
bird bring it back from extinction and
just make cats extinct
so that's not cruelty to animals right
oh yeah also evolution the fact that
humans have not really started growing
to help out a little bit we're kind of
annoyed with evolution over that
yeah well at least for most people they
need a third arm just to hold their
while they do other things yeah because
they they've lost the ability to use one
limb because they always have a phone in
their hand
yeah so uh that was kind of the
seriousness we got into
pretty early on and uh for anybody under
the misconception that we're gonna
buckle down and start discussing some
serious topics
and quickly peed on that fire what did
we discuss we discussed
midgets yep ducks witches gingers and
killer robots
yes so uh all serious time all serious
well well we delve into the topics that
serious journalists don't want to
touch because they're so controversial
okay that's tough yeah
they they don't want to get cancelled so
we we look into those topics for them
because we're not afraid of getting
canceled yeah because we're self-funding
yes exactly for this
high quality i know that
i know that comes as a shock to many of
our listeners but exactly
we're mostly self-funding but um and now
a message from our sponsors
hey it's us no that's not true we do
we do have a couple of sponsors i'm sure
we're probably going to get into that
here in a little bit right
um we will say oh yeah we also just
missed any suggestion
uh better research might be the way to
no yeah we we actually a little known
because we didn't obviously broadcast it
actually spent a lot of time in research
to topic started recording it
and about halfway through we just shut
down and said no this sucks we
we don't like doing this and we water
the papers up and throw them away
yeah because we with our ever growing
audience we figured it's not our
responsibility to educate them
now now we can barely educate ourselves
yeah i mean
i mean once we made that commitment to
not scroll past page one on google and
even then not necessarily click on any
of the links i think then we hit
that kind of a sweet spot yeah it was a
good stride
and then when you increased the text
size on your screen
and refused to scroll down i think that
helped out too right
yeah i mean your eyes have been feeling
better you haven't been straining as
much yeah how much you can
miss off the screen when you change your
resolution to 600 by 400 yeah
yeah that's the way everybody should
have the resolution
in fact now when i type anything in
google whatsoever the only thing i get
now is
ads because those first two first two
things and the list always adds so
yeah well we got to keep the google
machine running i mean
we could you know single or
keep google running just by saying
whatever's in their ads
well i mean it might work when i was
doing research on robots killer robots
you know that the first thing which came
up was
somebody trying to sell me a killer
robot in the google ads so
you know did you buy it you didn't tell
me i didn't have enough money oh okay
i was hoping i'd get some money for
christmas so i could get one on what if
we could have gotten
sponsored by the killer robot company
and they had given us one that would
have been cool
yeah maybe we should have name-checked
them a few more times
we could end up with the killer robot
although it could have ended up killing
us and taking over the podcast
actually in the studio or something
oh well i figured you would have sent it
no no i'm not looking at it to look to
me yeah well yeah but
yeah exactly yeah what if a porch pirate
stole the killer robot right yeah
how ironic would that be yeah anyway
yeah oh at one point
i remember we did try and depress our
listeners a little bit
with an episode on how the world would
likely end and
how visual and horrible and painful it
could be but then of course uh
covet came along and uh kind of stole
our thunder there
yeah it did you know we even though we
do that podcast in the age of covid
and kova did kind of steal our thunder
and uh oh yeah we did manage to bribe
quite a few guests to appear on this we
i was kind of surprised yeah you know
when we started out we agreed
yeah we we never thought we'd actually
have guests
but uh if you do remember correctly you
know we got the podcast started and
everything and
we decided to get rolling along and you
said up you know we've done four or five
episodes time for me to take a vacation
and i thought well what am i supposed to
do nobody wants to sit there and just
hear me talk so
invited a couple of people to come on
and that started the whole
hey you know this whole bringing a guest
thing in
actually kind of works so let's do that
from time to time
well i think the lure of the free
publicity combined with free alien our
suede a good two-thirds of them that is
you know where our our main sponsor our
our beer sponsor alien l beer
uh shout out to them uh you know they
they provided beverages for our guests
when they come in
and everything and we've been known from
time to time to
have one or two of those as we're doing
podcasts you know just the two of us in
here so
uh a big shout out to them they they
made uh
2020 a little bit nicer yeah
oh remarkably we've found out uh we're
not very good at using
zoom no no we we are terrible
at zoom just can't stay looking into
that camera for more than like a couple
of seconds
no i i struggle with the the sound
on zoom and i i look in the wrong
and then i get distracted and yeah we
not good with zoom yeah one of our
friends actually is a
ex laura enforcement said that he
watched one of our
zoom podcasts and he said we have the
body language it's somebody who looks
like they're lying to the fbi
just looking down and looking at the
stuff yeah that makes sense
yeah that totally makes sense but i
guess one thing
the guests did actually bring to the
table was um well i mean
they've all been like great fun but
they're all very knowledgeable about the
topics which you think would be a bad
fit for our podcast but
well every once in a while you gotta
have somebody that comes in that knows
stuff past that first page of google
right so
yeah we well you remember we actually
managed to go
over an hour talking about our local
public library
we did we did we learned a lot about
public we did it's probably too much
yeah i'm still trying to fathom some of
have you been to the public library
since that podcast yeah i've picked up a
okay well at least one of us did and
then of course we had the uh
guy who dicks holes oh bill vaughn
yeah did i bill who i eat some of the
food he was supposed to bring us on the
drive to the studio yeah won't forget
yeah yeah he uh he ate some food he did
bring beer
he did brings did he yeah he did yes
yeah that's right
beer from sponsor yeah he picked it up
for us well yeah and so he figured his
tip was eating our dinner
and that was a little disappointing oh
yeah because he picked up the food from
another one of our guests
yes brought it over and then we later
found out probably about a month
later that there was where he started
showed up yeah and we were talking
before the podcast and he asked us about
other foods we tried and we gave him
that blank look like
we gave bill vaughn we found out the
holes he digs are like two foot down
right and
once again first page of google we were
looking at you know really deep holes
and had to throw all that research away
then oh we did there were certain
topics we did actually i think discuss
and the depth that maybe had never been
discussed before or at least they went
off that tangent that has never been
visited before i mean indian indian
you know we're now in the that one
experts on bollywood in the western
yeah see that's another fine example of
one you confused me on because i thought
we were going to talk about hollywood
and i was all raring to go
and then i just misread the title of the
little card you pushed in front of me
didn't realize that h
was actually a b and it was bollywood
and i had no clue what we were even
talking about
well i still think it's pretty
impressive i do too but you can go i
i learned a lot yeah that you can go
from knowing literally nothing
to know him almost literally nothing yes
yeah i mean just uh that's an accurate
you knew how to spell it afterwards yeah
so um presidential election that got an
entire episode from us didn't that it
did and i'm glad we did it the way we
yeah non-partisan because
non nonpartisan no politicians care
about you to be honest
yeah exactly doesn't doesn't matter what
side of the island
you're not even allowed in those seats
you've got to stay in the aisle yeah so
but i think we did it how are you how
are you uh planning to spend your 600
next stimulus check well
some beef jerky maybe or like yeah
you know i thought about like pizza yeah
pizza kind of sounds good like having a
pizza party
because that's kind of what this feels
like it's like that we know there's
people out there starving and having a
hard time but
go have yourself a pizza party the only
thing that could have made it better
honestly would have been like the 600
dollars coming in like a walmart gift
and including that would be like a
coupon for mcdonald's for mcrib or
something like that it's like hey we
know things are bad
so buy one get one free mcrib and go
spend six hundred dollars at walmart
well no what would have been
even better would have been about a
either that or like tj maxx or marshalls
right yeah you some factory effective
yeah you know that that would stimulate
the economy
uh shout out to tj maxx if you want to
sponsor us we are available yes
absolutely we can always edit that bit
out if you contact us within the next 24
yeah yeah well don't make promises like
that we don't know how to edit yeah
um we had two episodes on how now did we
originally just intend to have one long
episode on halloween or was it always
makes me sad
i think we were gonna do one and then we
realized that maybe we needed to
separate it out because we kind of
wanted to talk about halloween two
different ways
and we were afraid we were gonna confuse
each other in
knowing that we had this other topic to
look at that we'd just bounce around too
much so we were trying to stay on task
we were trying to trick ourselves into
actually staying in our lane
yeah we did beat that horse to death yes
we did i think i think
in 2021 we just need to release those
same two episodes
again for the next halloween so that's a
great idea i don't think you can improve
upon perfection
well not only that but if you think
about it could we maybe
maybe by this time next year
we could edit out the references to the
year 2020 and 2021
maybe we'll learn how to edit by then
and just insert 2021-2022
maybe that wouldn't work i don't know
but but you know we
we did that with halloween we had a
couple other episodes maybe we just
repeat right now it's kind of like
sitcoms right you know they had some
episodes that every once in a while when
they went on their little breaks or
vacation they show reruns
right maybe we just like re-run episodes
and just change the names yeah
it's kind of a bad idea trying to
squeeze anything else out of halloween
would just be like trying to milk dead
cows yeah because it's
yeah you know investigation college
level material yeah somebody can get a
phd in halloween maybe maybe an online
college yeah university of phoenix yeah
not that we wouldn't accept them as a
sponsor if they want to give us
free phds and i don't know can you get a
podcast phd is that even a thing maybe
maybe we should start the school
podcasting at the university of phoenix
and we could be the first two phds guest
yeah yeah there you go nothing wrong
with that
i'm making that one yeah we'll we'll
write that in right under the
check the spam filter for the caring
right they um
oh yeah the thanksgiving episode uh that
was pretty short
that's one of our shorter episodes well
we were kind of phoning that one in
let's be honest we we talked a little
bit about the history and everything but
we were trying to be thankful
for a year like 2020 and
kind of came up short a little bit a
little bit well i mean it's like trying
to get people motivated by
one dollar toilet paper from the dollar
and you know i think actually the uh
native americans had a better few
early thanksgivings than people had this
year's yeah
i'm sure they did um
yeah we did we did try and dip our
tongue in the water of science a few
times we did
we did yeah with our extensive science
i mean i think we fully explained a
variety of scientific topics
i mean especially important scientific
topics right
i mean ironically the only one i can
remember that well is the one on memory
um i don't remember doing one on memory
well i think i gave it snappy titles oh
you can't put the two together
that makes sense but we did have
vaccines yeah
yeah very very basic on facts
yeah i mean just hey they come in a
and yeah stick you and they make you
feel better or make you not feel better
oh yeah time travel and simulation
once as soon as we got into theoretical
science we were on to a winner because
nobody can actually previous wrong
that's true
yeah we we found our stride there we we
have to
talk about topics that nobody can prove
either way that way we can't be wrong
well i mean thankfully we've discovered
that you know from the emails from our
listeners that none of them really
research or fact check anything either
so i'll get those ones out the ballpark
no that is true uh that that does keep
us going yeah
when they say you know hey here's what i
think but i don't know either so
you know your guess is as good as mine
that's the kind of feedback
we like to hear yeah i mean so have you
you know feeling curious about science
and want to hear
a mixture of waffle and outlandish
claims then
go into our back catalogue and check out
those uh
scientific podcasts because we came to
the table knowing nothing and left
pretty close to knowing pretty close
yeah pretty close to nothing
we did uh actually talk about a couple
of topics we knew something about we had
free knowledge about we did the star
wars prequels we knew about yes
that that was so far our record length
yeah you know clocking in at just a hair
over two hours
two hours and non-stop complaining yeah
and we probably
could have went on longer than that to
be honest but yeah but we
actually kind of rained that one in
knowing that you know eventually
we will be talking about the originals
and the sequels
and then the you know the expanded
movies and everything
we're not going to get into the cartoon
stuff or the comic books or anything
because i just don't want to talk about
those yeah but
uh we'll eventually get into the other
movies but yeah uh
star wars is something we didn't have to
go to google for
yeah i don't think oh oh we did that
we had to ask siri about how old george
lucas was
yeah because we didn't know that yeah so
there is now george lucas said you're
and the same thing goes to you hating
christians i wouldn't bother listening
to that
podcast on the star wars prequels if
you're feeling a little bit depressed
yes i will second that recommendation
we will uh put the num we should have
put the number for the suicide hotline
on there really
just yeah well everybody on facebook
keeps saying hey can you please cut and
paste this
because it's going to keep people from
killing themselves
maybe we should do that in the listen
notes on
on that one yeah that's a good idea yeah
let's write that down
on our list of stuff we should do and
won't do somebody wrote a comment on our
version of that podcast saying that they
hope george lucas didn't listen if he
was feeling a little bit depressed
there you go yeah now um hey by the way
you know one thing we did leave out is
that you know we started the podcast
with no
intention of actually putting them on
youtube and then decided we'd go ahead
and include them on youtube
too so we do have a couple of video
podcasts that we did
and kept the video on zoom yeah and and
we started out saying hey we're just
gonna do it with microphones no cameras
no nothing like that and then when we
did the zoom thing like oh
hey now we've got a video let's you know
what if we
took all of the audio ones and put those
on youtube too so uh
we we ventured into the youtube realm as
well yeah i mean we decided to entertain
the visually impaired as well as the
partially deaf
yes part of our transcriptions on
are highly accurate yeah it's done by a
yeah and uh not one of those not one of
the smart ones we talked about in one of
our podcasts this robot is kind of like
an early version of the dragons
naturally speaking
program you see exactly in the ladies
and 90s and it was like
worst thing ever yep if you bought a
certain version of it it came with a
yeah that you could plug into your
computer for
better accuracy it didn't work took like
about four attempts to get to understand
hello so you just ended up saying hi
and then read that out hi
look looking back on that though i mean
it was a pretty big leap because you can
tell alexa to do stuff and she gets it
wrong or
you know siri or any of the other ones
they they still get
most of it right but they still make
mistakes that's considered a big leap in
technology if something doesn't work
though because imagine if somebody said
hey i've invented the camera it takes
photographs but it didn't actually work
and don't take any photographs is that
still considered a scientific
in america yeah yeah
still get on the front of time magazine
because as we know invention of the year
yeah you don't have to achieve anything
right magazine
so um oh we discovered that uh
all the stuff we knew about pirates was
completely written
what a disneyland that was i i really
thought i
knew stuff about pirates until we did
that one and uh
and uh that that whole stump the
shepherd part
uh that one really threw me i'm still a
disappointed about the parrots yeah
because they still don't come with
powers yeah that
that just that's horrible yeah that
that's another thing that the
the halloween machine has changed our
perspective no
walking the plane no i know but shiver
me timbers is there
yeah we never did figure out which one
was the better
horrible restaurant long john silvers or
captain d's
uh captain d's are hard to find i know
where one is down south here but it's
it's a ways away and i don't know if it
survived the age of covert or not but
i think it's it's worth the drive down
yeah oh yeah well yeah because i
remember going into captain d's whenever
i was a kid
and when you went in there you got the
little paper pirate hat that you got to
wear while you're eating
that was worth the trip and uh just a
reminder captain d's we are available to
um we will take french fries and hush
puppies because i'm sure you've
been turned down so many times you're
finding it after and we will
take you on we will take you out yeah we
will talk about all
three of your remaining restaurants that
i'm guessing that you have
i mean what arm could it do it's not
like we're gonna hurt you any worse
but yes i mean we've done we've recorded
i think including ones which haven't
been released like about
the pilot if we were even going to do it
let's be honest
you know we recorded a few and then like
scratching our heads and
and then did a few more and kind of
caught our groove
and did a few more and did some
interviews and
you know like you said earlier turn the
microphones the correct way around and
you know
kind of kind of got us a little
better you know we we've improved i
would think
we've become more prolific in output uh
you did that or you know we just
still phoning them yeah did we phone it
in actually the pilot convinced me that
i didn't want to do the podcast but you
kept promising me that
one day we will get a beer sponsor yeah
and behold hey
we've got a beer i don't make promises
that i can't keep
so we we did finally get a beer sponsor
yeah i mean we didn't have i mean over
40 podcasts i mean
there's obviously some gems in there
which we haven't mentioned like the one
on gay asian
disco oh yeah yeah that music genre
still hasn't hit yet yeah that was one i
think was going to be on our list that
we were going to
create that on spotify or something like
that and
yeah we just still haven't got around to
that well i told you i've been
compiling tracks with that little music
maker thing oh phone
yeah and i'm going to release it under
the title of now that's what they call
gaijin volume 1 sometime in the new year
okay uh available on itunes yeah we'll
look forward to
downloading what if that would be the
album that unseats taylor swift
well music's so terrible now i think
yeah very nice
mind you i did actually learn that she
once accidentally released a track which
was just complete
silence some they've recorded in the
i don't know why they did it whether
they were testing background noises or
whatever but she actually released on
itunes i think
a track which was 100 silence and her
fans are so kind of blinded that they
bought it and it got to the top of the
icons charts
imagine paying 1.99
for track of silence yeah well i don't
know depending on
yeah who lives in your house maybe that
track of silence might be nice
right well actually i've got cheaper
than noise cancelling i've got some
bootleg versions of that um song of
silence some alternate versions and some
remixes so if people want to send me
some money i'll send you the remix of
that completely silent track
there you go yeah that's a pretty good
oh yeah so the asian gay asian disco one
i think that's gonna get a revisit next
year when the musical genre becomes
popular and we have to remind people
that we were the people who invented it
yes i think we're going to have to do
that yeah
we'll make a note of that yeah and um
actually the christmas episode we did
not so long ago yeah
that was just last week that was the
that was the only episode we've ever had
to re-record and we had to reread
through because we got so excited
about doing it because we've been
looking forward to recording the
christmas one because that was something
else we thought we might know something
that we actually forgot to mention half
the stuff we were going to put right
so that um you know i'm still not sure
whether the second version is better
than the first version
yeah and we know we can't edit them
together because we don't know how to
yeah so i think it started off a little
bit history about christmas and ended up
about me
saying how much i like to miss santa
claus yes yeah yeah
it it did kind of uh traipse down to
there yeah like
quite quickly and we did it we did have
a concern about that but then we thought
yeah we can't edit it out we don't know
how to edit so
i might have the covid i'm coughing a
little bit
but hey for our new listeners uh
hopefully that gets you
caught up to date once again want to
wish everybody
a happy new year uh here we are 2021
looking forward to hopefully a better
year than 2020 provided and
we're still going to plug away and
create some podcasts and talk about
stuff that hopefully you enjoy
hearing about and listening to and share
with your friends
and hopefully by this time in 2022
who knows oh actually one last thing
one last thing with uh this is our
our new segment we call it one last
which may be a one-time thing um
i saw the other day online can't be more
specific than that
but some guy who lives in new york was
saying with them there'd be
no time square thing this year and as he
was getting older
he was going going to times square by
himself and watch his balls drop
ah that makes sense well thanks for
tuning into this episode of the wolf and
the shepherd
we certainly appreciate all the support
and we'll catch you
in this new year on the next one