The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss the persecution of witches and gingers throughout history, with some actual fact checking for once. Were they actually burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. What really is a ginger? The big question is, who should you fear more, witches or gingers?
welcome to this episode of the wolf and
the shepherd
today we're going to be talking about
witches and gingers and
since the wolf is now finally back from
his holiday
he's he's done a little bit of research
and he said we we need to talk about
witches and genders
hi um glad to be back
uh i've i know today sounds like
a very controversial topic witches and
oh especially so close to halloween well
actually why this
topic is particularly controversial is
this is the one time we have actually
done some research
oh we did actually look some stuff up
this time
well you'd think that episode we did
things we never saw come in which was
mainly based around technology
social media you would have thought for
one episode where it would have been
good if we've
actually bothered fact-checking
something that would have been the one
that would have been the way that we
should have done it yes
yeah but instead i've uh spent a few
hours looking up witches and gingers
time well spent it it is well spent um
originally i intended this to be two
separate topics but
i didn't know if even you or i could uh
bs enough to actually fill out a podcast
talking about what we actually knew
witches and gingers um but there
are uh in terms of treatment
of both groups a lot of similarities
through history most of the witch stuff
i kind of knew about
in terms of them being burnt at the
stake right gingers have had it bad for
4 000 years no kidding yeah 4
000 years that's crazy so lead us up to
it get get us started here
well we pretty much know or at least
most people have a somewhat
i guess filtered version of where
witches came from
which is role in history but the ginger
has kind of slipped
under the radar which is quite ironic
when you look at them physically they
don't slip under the radar
and this has been their biggest problem
throughout history
that's true i mean you could hide the
fact that you are a witch but you can't
hide the fact that you're a ginger right
and it this might be early in the
podcast to bring it up but you
you know you got the harry potter books
and you got the weasleys who were
gingers and witches
you know they they could probably hide
the fact that they were you know
not wizards or witches or whatever but
they couldn't hide the fact that they
were gingers
right and um that actually brings me to
a funny story
because one of the obviously the main
in harry potter is ginger and obviously
then you've got harry potter and then
the girl whatever her name is
yeah anyway one of the first reviews
i read on the um original harry potter
uh was from a guy i think from empire
okay and you know he went through the
synopsis of the whole movie
he said the only thing i found really
unbelievable in this movie
is that there's a ginger kid with two
absolutely that is so true and of course
you know those friends were kind of
forced on him i can i barely remember
that first movie it's been years since
i've seen any of the harry potter movies
but i do remember them being on that
train and
he didn't have a friend on that train
but of course you know harry potter
didn't have a friend either it was like
i feel sorry for you little ginger boy
i'll be your friend
because nobody else is my friend but i
guess the only friends he could get was
kids that
lived under the stairs in their you know
what was it uncle and aunt or or
something like that cousin i can't
remember exactly what it was but it
wasn't even with his parents so he's a
little orphan boy
that was living under the stairs and
that's the only friend the ginger kid
could get right
well um i just want to clarify actually
for our american listeners
when we say ginger we don't mean redhead
uh i see that's that's the way it's kind
of taken in the united states
yeah you see redheads it can be kind of
like an offshoot of a brunette you know
somebody's got some
almost like chestnut dye in their hair
okay that that's a redhead there's a
very big difference between
ginger and a redhead you know when you
see a ginger if you have to look at
somebody and wonder if they're a ginger
they're not a ginger okay so so
then over in the uk that is is used much
different than in the us so
uh give me a famous ginger
whether it's a u.s person uk person
if if you were having to explain to
somebody that never heard the term
ginger before and you had to say well
you know so and so
that is a ginger who would that person
be well
i was actually gonna say emperor nero
and also napoleon but i get that they're
not great reference points
for most people as right all the um
images that exist of them are all hand
drawn so not not best example but um
i would say over here carrot top that uh
that kind of weird kind of comedian
right so so you're you're looking at
somebody that
of course has the red hair right but
then kind of
is a little bit funny looking you don't
you don't quite know why they're funny
looking you just
know they're funny maybe kind of the uh
very light skin lots of freckles yeah
that kind of deal is that ginger person
yeah and i think the gingers were
demonized more
in england uh than here in the
united states but i think that's because
we had
several uh centuries to kind of perfect
the art of uh demonizing them really um
but they were as i mentioned earlier uh
have been persecuted for thousands and
thousands of years
walk us through that well i mean
for one the reason gingers get singled
is because it's a genetic mutation which
roughly about one and two percent of the
population okay
and so throughout history uh
they've always stood out and any
can actually result in that mutated gene
to have red hair
so no ethnicity is safe from being a
ginger okay and you can imagine
some of those uh um combinations would
actually bring up even more prejudice
exists in certain places i could totally
see that yeah
but um gingers in
medieval europe were punished pretty
much the same way as witches before the
let's kill the witches thing came in and
they were put in stocks which you know
these kind of wooden
entraptions which they put in the town
which they put in the town center
they they put their head through the
little hole and then they had the wrists
uh on either side through the hole
and in the townspeople whether they were
peasants or
anybody else went by and they could yell
at them make fun of them
throw spoiled fruit at them or spoiled
for that matter waste garbage all that
good stuff
yeah and those stocks were you know
carried over
into the quote-unquote new world
you know at the turn of what two three
hundred years ago because
that that was a form of punishment now i
guess protected by the constitution as
something that would be cruel and
unusual but it was common
that was a common punishment yeah and
actually uh
i was thinking about that idea the other
day about the stocks
um when i came up with the topic of
witches and gingers
and i was wondering if there were any
type of rules involving the distance
you're able to throw the rotten
vegetables at
the face drum because if there was a 12
foot line
maybe being hit by a mushy carrot
probably wouldn't hurt that much
right but if they're allowed to throw
kind of like a nine pound potato at your
face from
about four inches away i think that's
where it start crosses past the line of
not being funny anymore
yeah uh you know i i can only picture
things that i've seen in the movies
yeah and and you see the the throwing of
the rotten vegetables and the rotten
food and everything adam in the movies
but you also see like little kids
walking right up to them and slapping
them in the head
slapping them in the face and the the
crowd cheers because they're doing that
so there's there's always been that
aspect of it as well
as far as what happens to somebody in
the stocks i
i think in most of the time you were
sentenced to a certain amount of time
right to sit in those stocks and it was
originally just
supposed to be painful for you to just
have to
sit there for that long yeah most of the
ones i've seen are where you stand up
in them and you kind of bent over at 90
and you know one never talked about
fact about those starks the worst thing
that happened was when the sun went down
people used to take advantage of the
lack of light
and the opportunity um and
right let's just say if you were in the
stocks because you committed adultery
but you didn't really commit adultery
by the end of the night you had
committed adultery there you go yeah
that that's a safe way to put it i think
everybody yeah gets the gist of that
right um oh quick question sure
name me a really nasty person uh
in history oh gosh uh
the immediate one that comes to mind
is kind of a given most people are
probably thinking the same thing
would be have to be adolf hitler right
so as bad as you can imagine him to be
right even he had a prejudice against
gingers well
among his were there well yeah but this
is one of those things that most people
would always be do you have anything in
common with hitler and
you know obviously the answers can be no
i can't think of anything personality
but even he hated gingers and he
banned the marriage between gingers
and this was so um because both the
mother and the father need to have the
mutated gene to pass on and it can lay
he can skip generations but um yeah he
actually banned the marriage of ginger
so that he could try and kill out that
strain because you know he was into
eugenics anyway
right but yeah even the gingers didn't
it now when you when you're saying
ban the marriage of gingers you mean
like two ginger people marrying each
other or
just one random gender or ginger
person two two tens of people okay okay
that was kind of looked at as hey yeah
there's a strong possibility that their
offspring right here
is going to be able to carry this
recessive gene
and so we want to make sure that we can
kind of
weed this out over time yeah i think
there was an assumption there that
you know people didn't have sex outside
of marriage because you know he could
have just banned sex between gingers and
you know it would have had the same
effect well we are talking about
a long time ago yeah so it makes more
sense if
if you'd have someone like a hitler
then yes you'd probably have some kind
rule that would say right that sex would
be illegal or
having a child you know between two
gingers would be
illegal right along those lines well
actually um
i think it was in an australian
scientific magazine
uh there's a group of scientists who
that gingers are going to be extinct
100 years or even as soon as 2060.
wow which is bad news for anybody born
roughly about now
because you're going to go extinct yeah
and is
is that just because of that recessive
trait being
so recessive and things getting
a little more mixed up with the gene
pool that
eventually that little you know
tidbit of genetics is just gonna
eventually get
wiped away well there was actually
some positivity to the mutation when it
first appeared in humans
okay that it would allow because ginger
um have few laser skin
their enamel on their teeth is thinner
which why a lot of ginger people look
like they've got yellow teeth they can't
really do
much about that i mean talk about just
inheriting a whole ton about stuff
well anyway there used to actually be an
um of being ginger in
certain uh climates because
the lighter your skin the more sensitive
it made you to
you know the sun and but
it's the opposite when they go to areas
you know like northern europe where
there's not necessarily that much
sun because that skin could then
actually absorb more vitamin d from what
little sun there was and so it was
actually a benefit
but the gene has actually mutated so
much over the years
that now that same
strand of dna which caused that effect
actually completely changed it to now
gingers are something like 12 times as
likely to get skin cancer and
about 50 times quicker to get sunburned
so that went
downhill kind of across i i would have
to imagine that that
span of the the gingers or whatever
had to exist more in places where you
had a lot of cloud cover
or whatever like you said yeah you had
that advantage where if it's cloudy
you know like you say northern europe
i'm thinking you know in the united
states you'd look at somewhere like the
pacific northwest
kind of that same thing it's always
cloudy all the time so
you want to somehow have that absorption
of vitamin d
and so i could see if if you were uh you
looking for somewhere to live you
wouldn't want to go to say
phoenix arizona where the sun is out
every day or los angeles california
because like you say then you're just
gonna have to rub sunscreen all over
and get burned all the time
yeah and um as i mentioned earlier
i did actually find quite a lot of
or connections between witches and
gingers when i was doing my research
um as i said that they were both put in
you know in the middle of the town
generally in some cultures if you have
ginger hair
they assume you're a witch and they kill
that happens actually now in some yeah
some countries in africa
yeah so it not that they treat
gingers and which is the same it's just
using that lineal logic you're a ginger
therefore you're a witch
i'm thinking of yeah monty python and
the holy grail yeah
you know if if she weighs the same as a
she's made of wood therefore she's a
witch and we get to burn
it almost that same kind of
kind of theory right and um
yeah that and this is i guess where the
kind of witches and the gingers do
slightly is that at least with a witch
you had a trial even if they decided you
were guilty before
the trial even existed at least you had
a trial when you're a ginger there
that's it like you said earlier you
can't you can't hide it right and so
yeah if you if you were a girl
especially with
ginger hair then there's not much you
could do to escape the thought that
people are going to think
you're a witch that's hilarious
and it makes a lot of sense i mean it
really does if you
if you look down the line and you think
about it the prejudices and everything
that we've had is
communities societies over the year
or over the years the centuries the
millennial however you want to
pose that there's always been something
about hey
those people are a little bit different
than i am yeah and
almost kind of the same with the witches
right there there were a lot of people
that probably
were burn at the stake or executed or
whatever that weren't witches
but let's be honest there probably were
some that were legitimate
witches that went to trial and
were actually witches and found guilty
we look at it today
and say well okay not that really big of
a deal
but back then pretty big deal yeah
and um i think with witches
the whole idea around them
has been romanticized you know
probably mostly because of the halloween
thing i mean they're a baddie but
they're kind of
you know it doesn't mean you might dress
up as a witch
and it has been romanticized i mean
think about now
in and here's one i'll i'll throw it you
and see if
this would fit your definition so to
speak of a ginger
right uh i remember the movie practical
with sandra bullock and nicole kidman
right and nicole kidman's got the red
i don't know if that would be ginger
but you know that movie
part of the point of that whole movie is
you know these women and their their
aunts or whatever it was
they were legitimate witches you know
legitimately possess this magic and all
of this stuff but at the end of the
it was hey we're okay we're not bad
people we're not
evil we just try to help everybody and
even though throughout the whole movie
they were persecuted against
yeah and the one that sandra bullock
plays you know she
swore off magic and didn't want to do
any magic and then at the end
you have that hooray moment where the
whole town comes out and watches them
jump off the roof
and ride their brooms and all that stuff
and so
like you say the whole romanticized part
uh you've got the sexy witch costume
and yeah and that's okay it's not the
scraggly nose in the green skin it's
not the wicked witch of the west which
if you
look at the wizard of oz there's another
example because if
you remember dorothy in the movie even
says to the
witch of the east whatever it is glinda
you know she's in the pretty
like prom dress and everything and
dorothy says well
you don't look like a witch so it's
almost been
going on subliminally for quite a while
witches aren't all bad right right
they're not all bad but you still have
that little section of the bad witches
yeah yeah and
yeah i think i think that romanticized
label is probably the best thing you can
to the whole witch imagery in today's
society because
very little is actually known about
witches if you ask the majority of
you know what is witchcraft is it just
about doing magic is it based upon a
or is it based upon an absence of
religion and you know
do you wear a pointy hat do you have a
black cat you have a cauldron that you
stir up potions again
or is there something more to it right
yeah and so there's a lot of um
mistaken imagery and history to witches
which people just
you know what little i guess
information they do find out factually
about witches is
quickly kind of erased and overtaken by
the images and you know cartoons and
things but i mean witches have been
persecuted uh
throughout history i mean the earliest
i guess in terms of what is relevant to
us mention of a witch is in
uh exodus 22 where it says thou
shalt not suffer a witch to live
ah now i had a thought about that right
if i was a witch
and when that i think that was the new
king james translation
sure you know if you're a witch you're
kind of
i wish they'd hurry up and rewrite
another version
of the bible yeah because that sentence
sounds pretty harsh
right and of course you're talking about
exodus so you're talking about the
early parts of the uh
jewish tradition right the writing of
the law the first five books of the
bible being the torah and everything so
so you're talking about you know the
of what we consider as
kind of recorded history of going
through there so we're
we're talking about that stuff in the
bible so yeah
i think a lot of people once you say the
witch right especially in the united
states yeah the first thing that comes
to mind is the salem witch trials
right you know so yeah you you say well
what do you know about witches and
you get past the hat in the cat in the
cauldron and all that
the the next click is salem yeah and
what happened during the salem witch
yeah and again you know the salem witch
i bet most people would think wow how
long did that last for maybe 10 years 15
it basically went across a two-year
right which really surprised me very
little snippet in history as far as
goes but so blatantly taught
repeated yeah you know everybody knows
the salem witches and the salem witch
trial yeah it's in american history
books it it
it made that cut there there are so many
things that
lasted for more years than that that get
left out of the history books but
the salem witch trials they always make
it yeah
um and i think a lot of people
you know assume along with that you know
it lasted way longer than it actually
is that it involved probably
um more witch instances than it actually
i thought you know they rounded up
thousands across you know multiple
um towns up there in massachusetts but
the reality is there was only about a
uh people charged with witchcraft right
and uh i think they found
roughly about 30 were found guilty
witchcraft and they hung 19 of them
whereas again if you'd have asked me
before i looked it up
um how many witches did they you know
burn at the stake i would have
literally said in the thousands and
thousands oh yeah yeah you and i both
that would have been just something that
always was going on in salem
and it was like oh well it's uh tuesday
what do we got going on today
well now we're going to go down to the
market we're going to get some bread
we're going to get some vegetables and
then we're going to stop by the witch
burning today
right yeah and that was a day in the
life of salem for years yeah
and that that period is actually nothing
compared to like the
spanish inquisition which went on for a
long long time and
burned a lot of witches and they also
and by the way no one expects the
spanish right exactly that is true
who knew we were so much monty python
but um they also had the belief
that uh ginger-headed people were
witches and so would bear
people with ginger hair as well i mean i
didn't know that but as
something else they have i was part of
the spanish inquisition
so that they they were they were looking
at a lot of different stuff during the
spanish inquisition
the heretics and all that good stuff but
right yes part of that
of course was the witches but it was one
of those
what you're saying then is oh there's a
ginger equals which yeah which is it's a
two-for-one yeah that makes it easy yeah
we don't even have to
put you through a trial right you know
what we know you're guilty
so yeah now it makes it easy for you
right um
and the well the witch hunts in europe
actually went on
for 300 years from 1450
right through 1750 and there were still
after that i think um it was
1972 in england uh
was the last time
for practicing witchcraft somebody um
and i don't know what they were doing
maybe that was the issue rather than the
ideology it's um
but no that somebody was actually
prosecuted for
practice of witchcraft but what they
were practicing you know might
make all the difference but what you're
telling me though is there were still
laws on the books yeah against
witchcraft over there
in until nineteen until 1972 that that
stuff was going on that that that's just
crazy to think about i mean it really is
i say it's crazy to think about but you
in today's day and age honestly nothing
surprises me that much anymore so that
that right there doesn't even surprise
me that
there's probably some and we'll call
them third world country right that
probably is still prosecuting
at some level witches whether it be in
formal court or informal court in some
village somewhere
oh they put them to death now in uh
places like nigeria
if you're convicted of being a witch
they can put you to death
that'd be an interesting trial to right
yeah that would be
um and as you know going back to the
salem witch
trials most people i think mistakenly
think it was a bunch of
sex-crazed old men you know
rejected it internally because they
you know be with these attractive young
suddenly perched them from society but
the truth is the salem witch trials
started because a bunch of young
girls started acting hysterical and they
claimed they were possessed by the devil
and they accused i don't know whether it
was women just within their own village
within the church or whatever of being
and that's and that's how it all rolled
off so
the accusations were out there
people were you know saying hey you're a
so how were they figuring out
in their estimation whether or not
somebody really was a witch
back off the ginger thing because that
was just supposed to be automatic
so so now a regular looking person right
yeah they're not wearing the pointy hat
they don't have a black hat on
you know or black cat and they don't
have their cauldron all that good stuff
how were they being tested how were they
being proved in these courts that they
were a witch
well um given for how many hundreds of
years ago
this was i think they actually came up
with some pretty sensible
methods to test and pretty much full
which i think is why you know out of all
the witches
they convicted that only a fifth of them
were put to death so i mean i think
i think it was uh i think they had their
game straight when it came down to their
one of the tests would be that the
prospective witch would be blindfolded
and they'd spin her around a few times
and a man in front of them would be
holding a crucifix
or a bible and a dagger in the other
and the witch was supposed to put her
hand out and point
to where she thought the crucifix or the
bible was
and as she pointed to the dagger it was
proof that she loved satan
and was in cohorts with satan now
if she actually got the right answer the
court could decide that
she could have to redo it two more times
right you know just to ensure they get
there um
yeah kind of like if if you and i are
trying to decide
who has to go on the next beer run right
and i said well let's flip a coin it
comes up tails i'm like ah best two out
of three right
yeah exactly um there were
there were other tests that do i mean
actually burning at the state
could sometimes be used as a test to see
if you're a witch because if you didn't
then you were a witch but if you did
burn you weren't the witch
how convenient for which right yeah and
there's other ones where
they would tie them to a plank of wood
and dunk it in the river and hold her
under the water for you know
four or five minutes if she drowned she
wasn't a witch
if she came back up and she was alive um
that meant she was a witch and then she
got burnt at the stakes so ah
but if if she was a witch
and then got burned at stake and still
was a witch didn't burn at the stake
almost sounds like the tests were more
towards the benefit of the witch and
not of the non-witch because if the
if the tests were fatal to the
non-witches but the witches could
you know how did somebody not sit back
and say you know what bob maybe we need
rethink some of these tests here because
we're killing a lot of people and
finding out that they're not actually
right and all the witches are surviving
what are we supposed to do he's like
well i don't know steve
uh we got to come up with something
better oh i know dunk them in the river
yeah let's start dunking them in the
river yeah
yes i mean it was a it could be very
you know across that 300 year period in
and you know during the period in the
states here
it it could be a very brutal time to be
of something which i mean today i mean
witches are pretty much everywhere
i mean you know their numbers have grown
uh exponentially i mean you've even got
famous witches like
uh lana del rey
uh the musician oh um okay didn't know
yeah um i kind of have a few doubts
the powers uh because the second and
third album absolutely sucked
well i i can't i can't honestly tell you
that i'm a lana del rey fan i
i couldn't name a song by right now i'm
not saying she's not a
good artist but uh
you talk about some of the stuff that
kind of came up
recently what about the whole
wiccan part of it because i know when
when some people hear the term
witch or i think what the male version
is warlock
or wizard or something like that oh let
me interrupt you there that's actually
not true a warlock is not
a male witch a warlock used to be
somebody who was a witch but to spare
their own life
they would give up the names of the
other witches and they would that's
where the name warlord
so and i guess that's why it rhymes with
right so there you go so so talk a
little bit about the
the wiccans and and where all that kind
you know came about and i think what
we're talking about a little less than a
hundred years ago
something like that right yeah i think
get uh wicca and pagan mixed up
or they think it means the same thing
and it really doesn't
wicker or the wiccan kind of religion
has only been around since the 40s
and i don't know whether it is a
marketing ploy
but you know their principle belief is
do no harm
and so when you talk about wiccans
sometimes put them too
far into the witch category when they're
not kind of there they follow some of
the same principles
you know the belief in utilizing
nature's magic but um yeah wiccan
you know it isn't where witchcraft comes
from which craft is actually a pagan
and the pagans there's been a whole
bunch of
religions come out of paganism and
witchcraft just happened to be one of
and that's really the more accurate
version of what you would call
witchcraft even though
wiccans do use earth magic the same as
you know they're doing witchcrafts i
mean it's yeah they
the the wiccans sometimes
get looked at as you know kind of the
earthy people you know they
they want to go out there and celebrate
like the solstice
and it's more you know kind of a a
mother nature
leaning thought i could see how
a lot of people might get the druids in
the wickens
a little bit mixed up don't know if
there's a connection with the
the druids and witchcraft it probably is
i just i haven't
you know dug into that all that much
by by any means whatsoever
yeah did you um you mentioned earlier
on i can't remember what exactly we were
talking about
but about a witch riding a broom and i
think that might have been when we were
talking about the romanticism or which
is yeah well that
that was so so you always have that
thing right that's one of those
stereotypical categories yeah so
uh once again in the harry potter movies
they play quidditch and they're all
riding the broom
right or you have the wicked witch of
the west in
in the wizard of oz and she's on a broom
and then in the practical magic movie
uh they have the brooms and they they
use that and so
so there was always this attachment
to brooms and in fact even in today's
day and age
you see a broom laying there and like oh
hey that you parked your
your ride over there to a woman and then
she gets all mad
once she figures out you're trying to
call her a witch right right so there's
always been this attachment to broome so
let's talk about that a little bit i
mean yeah where did that come from
well again because it's a romanticized
image um and very much
part of halloween which is on
broomsticks um
a number of years ago i did actually
take the trouble to find out where it
and real witches used to use
the extracts of the belladonna plant
um to put themselves into trance-like
so was it like a hallucinogenic yeah
yeah very very strong one
but the problem with ingesting it
was that it had such a bitter taste that
the majority of the time you would throw
up so it never got
to metabolize in your garden so fail to
have the desired effect
and so they had to find another way to
get the belladonna
extract into the body and
given god gave us three holes they chose
the one
which was not the mouth right and so
they would coat a broomstick
the end of a broomstick with the
belladonna extract
and then push it into themselves and
that's where the
witch's rider broom actually comes from
that's i
can honestly say i was not expecting
that explanation but you know what
i'm gonna go back to the nothing else
shocks me anymore so
so not really surprised that it had
something to do with that and
of course i i can't picture gingers
wanting to do that but you know i can't
picture witches wanting to do that right
you know either
so just wow crazy
absolutely crazy but at least
we took that broom thing and cleaned
up a bit and made it to where
now they just you know ride them around
and all that good stuff
and it's it's not so dirty right sure
yeah um so really in summary
i think what we have proven is that
gingers have had it as bad if not worse
than witches um in ancient
um egypt i think they would actually
bury ginger people alive that's the
sacrifice to a
god if you think about something like
ancient egypt right and you're talking
about northern africa
uh would there have been and
this is by the way total speculation
here but would there have been
a correlation with an albino maybe
being lumped in in the same category as
a ginger
no like i said before have you if you
question whether they're a ginger or not
they're not a ginger you know when you
see a ginger you know
it's just one of those things where
you're kind of huh but but
you could argue the fact that if you
look at an albino you could say well you
know they
they don't look like a ginger let's see
but maybe they carry those same
characteristics maybe
all albinos are witches too you know and
anybody that doesn't look like me is a
witch yeah anybody that doesn't root for
the same football team as me as a witch
right you know crazy things like that
well i think albinos
it's actually the opposite in nature i
mean certainly with man
we kind of you know al albinos species
of animals or rather kind of sudden
you know are treated very religiously
you know
that's good especially in india um
and so that mutation like with an albino
is actually treated very positively but
the ginger
there is no and i looked i spent a good
amount of time
but i could not find one positive trait
attributed to gingers throughout history
it's been persecution
from start finish um i mean
so you talk about you know persecution
start to finish
all the way through i mean i think we've
hit quite a bit of
different uh
development in societies where were
there any other
you know kind of historical societies
that were
a little more developed that had
something against them
um yeah i mean greece greece
greece well you see greece was a
you know very liberal type place in
terms of hedonistic
you know right and of course that's the
birthplace of philosophy
yeah i mean you got a bunch of people
sitting around talking about stuff yeah
pretty much like we're doing right now
you know but they were very accepting
the greeks were the first podcasters
they just didn't have the internet to be
able to do their podcast yeah
but i mean they were renowned for being
very welcoming
accepting of everything every type of
sexual deviation
any type of lifestyle but they believe
that gingers turned into vampires after
they died
wow you know and the greek and you think
of all the greek philosophers all these
brilliant texts written this existential
stuff and they come up with see those
gingers they turn into vampires after
they die
right yeah listen listen to all this
philosophy here's the way you should
here here's all this stuff they've
really thought through
and then almost as a footnote and oh
yeah you see those dudes over there
yeah they're going to be vampires when
they die like well wait a second all
this stuff just made sense but you're
just making this random blanket
statement that
these dudes are going to become vampires
that's that's hilarious yeah that
that's that's great it just goes to show
you how far we've come but
even today i would be willing to bet
and i think it'd be a very safe bet that
witches are still persecuted against
yeah you know
we we live at least in a society right
now where we realize
that there there is no magic they're not
their little magic potions and all that
and even if they are
they're not really doing anything or man
i don't know maybe they are maybe they
are you know i
i don't know but but but your your
typical rational person is not going to
sit there and think that
that they're able to do that but
gingers still exist and
maybe there's some reason why people
point at gingers
and still kind of um
discriminate against them and there's
inborn thing and they're they're not
really sure why
but they do right and i'll end with this
story in england
as you know um a slang word for
testicles is bollocks right right but
you know bollocks doesn't always relate
to talking about
testicles sometimes you'll just say oh
what a bunch of bollocks
you know just something about it and
isn't bollocks kind of you know you
messed something up right and you said
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well anyway um
i remember when i was in either fifth or
sixth grade
i was like yeah i was about maybe 12.
um we were in a
pe class and the pe teacher was gonna
pair us all
off for this game we're about to play
and uh
this kid walks in late and the pe
points at him and says oy ginger
why are you late
oh gosh you know that you know you
couldn't get away with that anymore
that that's for sure but well
thanks everybody for listening to this
episode of the wolf and the shepherd
we'll be back with some more uh
entertainment for you we appreciate all
the support that you all have given us
as we've been
going through and creating these
podcasts so we hope that you'll
share this with your friends and keep
supporting us and we'll catch you next