Crumb The Master Student

Crumb The Master Student Profile Photo


Crumb is a leader of the new school. He is a light bringer who has taken the lead in the age of information. He teaches occult science, hidden history & heretical religion. Though he is on multiple social media platforms, his website is his HQ (

Dec. 6, 2021

The Last Of Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student

Folks, we put this one off for a while not due to the content, but it was literally right in the middle of upgrading quite a bit of our equipment and recorded a bunch of episodes with our new toys, so we struggled with whethe...
Aug. 11, 2021

Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student - Part Two

The Wolf And The Shepherd continue their discussion with Crumb The Master Student about Vlad The Impaler and of course get distracted and go off on several tangents.
July 26, 2021

Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student Part One

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Crumb The Master Student to discuss the history behind Vlad The Impaler, the historical figure which Dracula was based upon.