Daniel Miller

Daniel Miller is President of the Texas Nationalist Movement and has been an outspoken advocate for Texas independence since 1996. As the head of one of the largest and most influential political organizations in Texas, Miller has extensively researched and engaged the issue of self-determination, not just for Texas, but as part of a growing global trend.

He has been featured on every major news network and been interviewed by every major newspaper in Texas and around the world. A featured guest on FoxNews, CNN, CNBC, BBC News, RT-TV and many other news outlets, Miller has been a vocal proponent of a fundamental reexamination of the relationship between all states in the Federal union.

Feb. 15, 2021

Episode 55 - Interview with Daniel Miller

The Wolf AND The Shepherd sit down virtually with Daniel Miller and discuss whether or not Texas can actually leave the union and become a country again which has now become the Texit movement Daniel Miller is President of th...

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