Feb. 14, 2022

In Other News - February 14, 2022

More crazy news stories, more commentary, and the Shepherd still can't end the podcast right.

The Wolf gives a shout out to a listener he met but can’t remember her name.

The first article could have been clickbait, but we read it any way. Chinese robots replacing soldiers in Tibet because the soldiers had bad performance and how we can save the military a lot of money.

The Bollywood version of Schindler’s list.

A New Yorker looking for a positive Covid test on the NextDoor App so he doesn’t have to deal with his family.

Elon Musk reveals plans for the Tesla bot to have emotions while a guy made a twitter account to follow Elon’s plane.

The Shepherd still complains about his robot vacuum cleaner not being fully automated.

Someone killed his parents after lying about getting a job at SpaceX, which he never had.

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