Feb. 23, 2022

Revenge Of The Robot Vacuum With Kordel France

Kordel France returns to the show and visits us in studio to discuss artificial intelligence.

Kordel France is the founder and CEO of Seekar Technologies, a technology startup that builds artificial intelligence products for a variety of industries.  Seekar, while still a startup, has put 3 different medical AI products through 4 board-reviewed clinical trials. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Seekar contributed two products free of charge to physicians to help ease demand on medical staffing and screen for the virus faster. They are currently building the first clinical AI tool used to advise neuropsychologists in diagnosing mental disorders  Kordell continues to remain at the forefront of AI development, and would be happy to discuss its potential impact on a wide variety of industries into the future!

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April 19, 2023

Introducing Talking North Texas With Layla Caraway

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