Nov. 24, 2021

The Unnatural Selection of Our Species with Torill Kornfeldt

Torill Kornfeldt is a Swedish science journalist, author and speaker focusing on biology and biotechnology. Her first book, The re-origin of species, was launched in Sweden September 2016 (Mammutens återkomst). The Mammoth has been translated to other languages, see The re-origin of species . Her new book, Människan i provröret (”Human in a test tube”), see The unnatural selection of our species , was launched in March 2020 and translations are in progress.

She also writes for several of Sweden's leading publishers, and co-host several radio-shows and podcasts, including the popular P3 Dystopia. In 2019 she participated in the Dutch Tv-program De Toren and she is a regular science commentator on Malmös main radio channel.

During her first few years as a scientist, she tried to persuade bumble-bees to fly in tunnels and jelly-fishes to watch movies. This made her both deeply fascinated in biology and convinced her that her part in this was to report to others about science, instead of doing it herself. She enjoys telling about exciting animals and on how the ongoing revolution in biotechnology and gene modifications will change the world as much as that of the digital development.

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