Pop Culture Episodes

July 19, 2021

Waterboo - Interview With Jeremy Klapprodt and Nathan Hartman

Discussing the amazing story of Charlie "Waterboo" Oman, the Shepherd is joined by filmmaker Jeremy Klapprodt and nephew of Charlie, Nathan Hartman. Charlie Oman was born and raised on a farm in Vanlue, Ohio. He was a handsom...

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July 14, 2021

Vacation Recommendations

The Wolf And The Shepherd return from separate vacations to discuss vacations, including beaches, Papua New Guinea, tourist traps, whether or not Elton John is dead, the alcohol content in Alien Ale, why the British do not kn...

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July 5, 2021

Getting To Know You - Part Two

The Wolf And The Shepherd continue their discussion covering a wide variety of topics including the importance of sleep, doing nothing, why golf is the best sport to have on in the background, why riding a bicycle as an adult...

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June 28, 2021

Getting To Know You - Part One

The Wolf And The Shepherd answer some submitted questions from a listener in England which lead to interesting discussions, such as the fact that Mackenzie Bezos is the Shepherd's hero, why Texas is the best state to live in ...

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June 21, 2021

In Other News - June 21, 2021

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Pat Beaman from On An Island with Pat Beaman to discuss more news stories, from a woman being attacked by a robot, an unemployed waiter who ate his mother, a guy and his girlfriend who ...

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June 14, 2021

Interview With Jay Riggs

Jay Riggs is the owner of Riggs Fabrication, where he and his team restore classic cars and convert cars into hot rods.

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June 7, 2021

In Other News - June 7, 2021

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Pat Beaman from On An Island to discuss more crazy news stories

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May 31, 2021

The Ideal Woman

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss how their ideas of the ideal woman have changed over time, while bringing up little dogs, cooties, puberty, the ability to watch 3D movies using the VLC player, practice marriages, homeless d...

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May 24, 2021

In Other News - May 24, 2021

Trying to get back on schedule due to some unforeseen circumstances, the Wolf and the Shepherd sit down once again with Pat Beaman and discuss some bizarre news stories including Florida dinosaurs, witchcraft, and nipple biti...

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May 17, 2021

Shamanism With Victoria And Kent Young

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss the topic of Shamans and Shamansim with two Shamans, Victoria and Kent Young. Are Shamans medicine men, dark energy doctors, or something else? Topics covered include chakras, lucid dreaming,...

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May 14, 2021

In Other News - May 14, 2021

Joined once again after his trip to India, Pat Beaman teams up with the Wolf and the Shepherd to discuss some bizarre news stories.

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May 12, 2021

Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss The Green Fairy, Absinthe. Does absinthe cause hallucinations? Is it legal? Can absinthe make you do things against your will? We delve into the biblical history of wormwood, and wonder what ...

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May 5, 2021

Worst Movies Of The 80's

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss some of the worst movies from the eighties, only two of which they have actually seen which would have discouraged respectable researchers, but alas, they soldiered on. From exploding horses,...

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May 4, 2021

Luke, Got Milk?

To celebrate Star Wars day, The Wolf And The Shepherd have a quick discussion one of the ridiculous scenes from the ridiculous dumpster fire of a movie that Episode 8 was where Luke milks the sloth looking beast on his privat...

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May 3, 2021

Questionable Self Growth Advice

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss a new subscription app which gives a real man 20 things to do over 20 days to improve themselves.

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