Rahul, known as Silicon Valley’s “expert on policing”, currently works with over 50 local law enforcement agencies across the continent on police reform initiatives. As a former Paramedic and Police Officer, Rahul saw an oppo...
Jim JW Northrup has spent much of his life studying the human mind and spirit. His studies have always been based upon observation rather than on authorities and opinion. His youth was spent playing sports and in the outdoors...
Katie Hess is a flower alchemist, author of Flowerevolution and founder of LOTUSWEI, one of the world’s leading floral apothecaries. With her signature elixirs featured in O , The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times and the LA...
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Tim O'Hare, who is running for Tarrant County Judge. Tim is no stranger to the media, having appeared on numerous national networks and news programs including NBC's Today Show, Fox & F...
Just a quick announcement that we did a Q&A with Scott "Junior" Ereckson that is available on YouTube.
Shellee Howard is the Founder and CEO of College Ready and CR Tutoring and Test Strategies. She is a college graduate and is a Certified Independent College Strategist. She is a best-selling author, a member of HECA (ethics o...
The Wolf And The Shepherd reach their 100th episode and take a look back over their previous episodes. Episode Zero - The Pilot Things We Never Saw Coming What Do We Believe? The Smiths and where did music go? Gyms Why we jus...
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Crumb The Master Student to discuss the history behind Vlad The Impaler, the historical figure which Dracula was based upon.
The Wolf And The Shepherd return from separate vacations to discuss vacations, including beaches, Papua New Guinea, tourist traps, whether or not Elton John is dead, the alcohol content in Alien Ale, why the British do not kn...
The Wolf And The Shepherd continue their discussion covering a wide variety of topics including the importance of sleep, doing nothing, why golf is the best sport to have on in the background, why riding a bicycle as an adult...
The Wolf And The Shepherd answer some submitted questions from a listener in England which lead to interesting discussions, such as the fact that Mackenzie Bezos is the Shepherd's hero, why Texas is the best state to live in ...
Jay Riggs is the owner of Riggs Fabrication, where he and his team restore classic cars and convert cars into hot rods.
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss how their ideas of the ideal woman have changed over time, while bringing up little dogs, cooties, puberty, the ability to watch 3D movies using the VLC player, practice marriages, homeless d...
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss the topic of Shamans and Shamansim with two Shamans, Victoria and Kent Young. Are Shamans medicine men, dark energy doctors, or something else? Topics covered include chakras, lucid dreaming,...
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss The Green Fairy, Absinthe. Does absinthe cause hallucinations? Is it legal? Can absinthe make you do things against your will? We delve into the biblical history of wormwood, and wonder what ...