History Episodes

Sept. 20, 2021

Interview With Mae Deevy - Healing

Mae returns to the show to discuss healing. Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Aromatherapist and Integrative Life Coach who seeks to dig out the truth behind the old stories and limiting beliefs we tell ourselves versu...

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Sept. 15, 2021

The One Year Anniversary Special

It has been a year since The Wolf And The Shepherd started the podcast. What would the podcast sound like if it was a morning radio show? Well, discussion ensued about British chemistry class, baby sitting Jesus, which religi...

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Sept. 6, 2021

Interview With JW Northrup The Cabin Philosopher

Jim JW Northrup has spent much of his life studying the human mind and spirit. His studies have always been based upon observation rather than on authorities and opinion. His youth was spent playing sports and in the outdoors...

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Aug. 27, 2021

Scott "Junior" Ereckson returns with a Q&A Session On YouTube

Just a quick announcement that we did a Q&A with Scott "Junior" Ereckson that is available on YouTube.

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Aug. 11, 2021

Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student - Part Two

The Wolf And The Shepherd continue their discussion with Crumb The Master Student about Vlad The Impaler and of course get distracted and go off on several tangents.

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Aug. 2, 2021

A Look Back As We Reach 100

The Wolf And The Shepherd reach their 100th episode and take a look back over their previous episodes. Episode Zero - The Pilot Things We Never Saw Coming What Do We Believe? The Smiths and where did music go? Gyms Why we jus...

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July 26, 2021

Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student Part One

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with Crumb The Master Student to discuss the history behind Vlad The Impaler, the historical figure which Dracula was based upon.

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July 19, 2021

Waterboo - Interview With Jeremy Klapprodt and Nathan Hartman

Discussing the amazing story of Charlie "Waterboo" Oman, the Shepherd is joined by filmmaker Jeremy Klapprodt and nephew of Charlie, Nathan Hartman. Charlie Oman was born and raised on a farm in Vanlue, Ohio. He was a handsom...

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June 14, 2021

Interview With Jay Riggs

Jay Riggs is the owner of Riggs Fabrication, where he and his team restore classic cars and convert cars into hot rods.

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May 17, 2021

Shamanism With Victoria And Kent Young

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss the topic of Shamans and Shamansim with two Shamans, Victoria and Kent Young. Are Shamans medicine men, dark energy doctors, or something else? Topics covered include chakras, lucid dreaming,...

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May 12, 2021

Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss The Green Fairy, Absinthe. Does absinthe cause hallucinations? Is it legal? Can absinthe make you do things against your will? We delve into the biblical history of wormwood, and wonder what ...

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May 10, 2021

Interview With Mae Deevy

Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Aromatherapist and Integrative Life Coach who seeks to dig out the truth behind the old stories and limiting beliefs we tell ourselves versus what can be made possible through intentio...

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May 5, 2021

Worst Movies Of The 80's

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss some of the worst movies from the eighties, only two of which they have actually seen which would have discouraged respectable researchers, but alas, they soldiered on. From exploding horses,...

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April 14, 2021

Interview With Frank Cain

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down virtually with Frank Cain, a bigfoot researcher and master crochet artist. Frank coins a new term for a group of Sasquatch and answers the age old question of who would win in a fight, Chewb...

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March 22, 2021

Interview With Nick Landholdt

Nick Landholdt ran for Congress as a Libertarian in 2016 and won over 10% of the vote. He is running for Texas Governor for the election in 2022. After graduating from the University of Texas with a Bachelor of Science in Rad...

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