The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss The Green Fairy, Absinthe. Does absinthe cause hallucinations? Is it legal? Can absinthe make you do things against your will? We delve into the biblical history of wormwood, and wonder what ...
Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Aromatherapist and Integrative Life Coach who seeks to dig out the truth behind the old stories and limiting beliefs we tell ourselves versus what can be made possible through intentio...
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss a new subscription app which gives a real man 20 things to do over 20 days to improve themselves.
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with the owners of The Cloud Shop, a smoke shop in north Texas where marijuana is still illegal but due to a loophole in the Farm Act of 2018, delta 8 is legal. Azmi and Cameron joined the W...
Riding on the back of Baby Sharks popularity, the Wolf and the Shepherd discovered that they know nothing outside of the fact that sharks are big fish with have big teeth. By the end of the podcast, they had learned nothing n...
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with the host of On An Island With Pat Beaman to discuss more news stories, including a puffer fish attack on a pet dog, an accountant who tried to collect half of a weekend getaway with a f...
The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down virtually with Frank Cain, a bigfoot researcher and master crochet artist. Frank coins a new term for a group of Sasquatch and answers the age old question of who would win in a fight, Chewb...
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss their favorite aquatic animal, the Mantis Shrimp. The Wolf gets so excited about the topic, he almost breaks his microphone stand. We compare the Mantis Shrimp to the Honey Badger. The Shephe...
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss the term Emotional Intelligence and try to figure out whether or not that they actually have EQ or not. The Shepherd wonders about Pepe Le Pew being cancelled because of his possible lack of ...
The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss the wonderful world of Biology and have narrowed down a college level course into one podcast that anyone could listen to and not only test out of Biology in college but win Final Jeopardy.
The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss a variety of life hacks and whether or not they actually save you time or are just a bunch of wife's tales which actually don't work.
The Wolf AND The Shepherd sit down and discuss the Jerusalem Syndrome, a little know psychological disorder where people who visit the holy land experience strange mood swings and messiah complexes. However, they both agree, ...
The Wolf AND The Shepherd sit down with Landon Hughes, a speech therapist specializing in treating autistic children and discuss the ins and outs of the mystery behind autism
The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss time travel and whether or not we think it exists. Of course, no time travel discussion is complete without talking about the movie series Back To The Future and the Shepherd discovers a plot...
The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss how we process memories, or at least that's what I think we talked about. Honestly, I can't remember.