Current Events Episodes

Aug. 11, 2021

Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student - Part Two

The Wolf And The Shepherd continue their discussion with Crumb The Master Student about Vlad The Impaler and of course get distracted and go off on several tangents.

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Aug. 9, 2021

Interview With Shellee Howard - College Ready

Shellee Howard is the Founder and CEO of College Ready and CR Tutoring and Test Strategies. She is a college graduate and is a Certified Independent College Strategist. She is a best-selling author, a member of HECA (ethics o...

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Aug. 2, 2021

A Look Back As We Reach 100

The Wolf And The Shepherd reach their 100th episode and take a look back over their previous episodes. Episode Zero - The Pilot Things We Never Saw Coming What Do We Believe? The Smiths and where did music go? Gyms Why we jus...

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July 14, 2021

Vacation Recommendations

The Wolf And The Shepherd return from separate vacations to discuss vacations, including beaches, Papua New Guinea, tourist traps, whether or not Elton John is dead, the alcohol content in Alien Ale, why the British do not kn...

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July 5, 2021

Getting To Know You - Part Two

The Wolf And The Shepherd continue their discussion covering a wide variety of topics including the importance of sleep, doing nothing, why golf is the best sport to have on in the background, why riding a bicycle as an adult...

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May 31, 2021

The Ideal Woman

The Wolf And The Shepherd discuss how their ideas of the ideal woman have changed over time, while bringing up little dogs, cooties, puberty, the ability to watch 3D movies using the VLC player, practice marriages, homeless d...

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May 14, 2021

In Other News - May 14, 2021

Joined once again after his trip to India, Pat Beaman teams up with the Wolf and the Shepherd to discuss some bizarre news stories.

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April 30, 2021

In Other News - April 30, 2021

Can you actually make a women look less sexy in a nun outfit? Do alligators speak snake languages? Is there a possibility of a Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings crossover? Giraffes have arthritis and there are women on onlyf...

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April 28, 2021

The Cloud House

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with the owners of The Cloud Shop, a smoke shop in north Texas where marijuana is still illegal but due to a loophole in the Farm Act of 2018, delta 8 is legal. Azmi and Cameron joined the W...

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April 26, 2021

On A Serious Note

The Wolf And The Shepherd received an email with a ton of questions about them from one listener. The Wolf didn't tell the Shepherd that this was the case. Yet, they decided to bite on the creepiness of the email and answer t...

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April 21, 2021


Riding on the back of Baby Sharks popularity, the Wolf and the Shepherd discovered that they know nothing outside of the fact that sharks are big fish with have big teeth. By the end of the podcast, they had learned nothing n...

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April 19, 2021

Interview With Mary Kelleher

Mary Kelleher ranches along the Trinity River with her husband - and about 100 head of cattle, pigs, goats, chickens, geese and the odd llama, turkey and peacock. In September of 2010, the Trinity River rose suddenly, floodin...

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April 16, 2021

In Other News - April 16, 2021

The Wolf And The Shepherd sit down with the host of On An Island With Pat Beaman to discuss more news stories, including a puffer fish attack on a pet dog, an accountant who tried to collect half of a weekend getaway with a f...

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April 7, 2021

Guest Appearance On Rubber Chicken Radio

The Wolf And The Shepherd shared some interview time with Gary from Rubber Chicken Radio. Check him out on

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April 5, 2021

A Quick State Of The Union Message

Just to keep our listeners informed of what is going on, a quick message to let you know what is in the works. With Easter being the past weekend, there is no big episode being released today, but there are several things in ...

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