History Episodes

Dec. 3, 2020

Episode 33 - Pieces Of Eight

The Wolf AND The Shepherd take a sea voyage to discuss the world of pirates, not the kind that steal music off of the internet from napster or limewire, but the pirates who sail the seven seas, drink rum, and maybe walk the p...

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Nov. 24, 2020

Episode 29 - Thanksgiving

The Wolf AND The Shepherd have a quick discussion about Thanksgiving before the big day filled with turkey and football.

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Oct. 29, 2020

Episode 20 - Halloween 2 - Superstitions

The Wolf AND The Shepherd continue their Halloween theme with a short discussion of superstitions around the world.

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Oct. 28, 2020

Episode 19 - Halloween 1 - Traditions

The Wolf AND The Shepherd talk about their favorite holiday Halloween. While everyone is celebrating getting free candy, wearing costumes and decorating, The Shepherd celebrates his birthday.

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Oct. 27, 2020

Episode 18 - Men In Skirts

The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss the gaining role in the attack of the man, whether you call it toxic masculinity, male privilege, or just the defamation of man. Does race have anything to do with it? What is a man? How much...

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Oct. 25, 2020

Episode 17 - Alien Ale and Martian Margaritas with Jason DeBord

The Wolf AND The Shepherd are joined by Jason DeBord, the proprietor of Martian Margaritas in Aurora, Texas. Aurora hit the news back in 1897 as a location of a crashed UFO. The pilot of the UFO is said to be buried in the to...

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Oct. 22, 2020

Episode 16 - Evolution - I Want A Refund

The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss the theory of evolution and how it has benefits and drawbacks. In this podcast, we talk about crazy animals that have somehow made their way though the winds of change when it comes to what i...

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Oct. 20, 2020

Episode 15 - iPhone Serial Killer

The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss the products and businesses that the iPhone and other smartphones have killed since it's takeover in 2007. It's now hard for math teachers to tell you that you won't always have a calculator ...

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Oct. 15, 2020

Episode 13 - Come Armageddon Come

The Wolf AND The Shepherd consider multiple end of the world scenarios and explore the history behind end times prophecies. Will the end of the world happen tomorrow or millions of years from now? Can Bruce Willis or Elijah W...

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Oct. 1, 2020

Episode 8 - Midgets & Other Short Stories

The Wolf AND The Shepherd try to delicately dance around the topic of midgets, not even sure if we should use that word. In some circles, the word "midget" is even called the "M-word" depending on the circumstances. Is the te...

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Sept. 28, 2020

Episode 7 - Witches & Gingers

The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss the persecution of witches and gingers throughout history, with some actual fact checking for once. Were they actually burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. What really is a ging...

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Sept. 14, 2020

Episode 1 - Things We Never Saw Coming

The Wolf AND The Shepherd discuss things in 2020 that we did not see coming, from online dating sites like Tinder, Bumble and Match; Social Media sites from the MySpace days to Facebook and Instagram, along with the takeover ...

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